Hello Steemians Gamers dimanapun berada, hari rabu ini saya akan berbagi informasi masih mengenai job dasar bangsa di game Rising Force Online (RF Online). Setelah pada postingan sebelumnya saya membahas tentang accretia dan bellato kali ini saya akan membagikan informasi mengenai job dasar bangsa cora.
Cora merupakan bangsa yang dapat dibilang seperti manusia biasa, karena memiliki paras wajah cantik untuk karakter cewek dan tampan untuk karakter cowok serta memiliki bentuk fisik yang tinggi serta tegap yang menjadikan cora terlihat kuat dan mengesankan. Tidak kalah dengan bangsa bellato cora juga memiliki kecepatan dalam bergerak, sehingga membuat cora susah untuk di kejar.
Cora sendiri memiliki keunggulan pada job Spiritualistnya (sihir) karena memang job inilah yang menjadi kekuatan utama bahkan job supper di cora, bahkan hanya cora yang dapat mengendalikan animus. Animus semacam pet yang dapat digunakan cora untuk menyerang maupun bertahan sesuai kemampuannya. Sama seperti bellato Cora memiliki 4 job dasar yang dapat dipilih yaitu Warrior, Ranger, Spiritualist dan Specialist.
Yang pertama adalah Job warrior, sama seperti job warrior lainnya job warrior di cora juga memiliki HP (Hit Point) dan FP (Force Point) yang tinggi. Sehingga membuatnya berada di garis depan yang berguna sebagai tameng utama atau tanker, sehingga tidak menembus bagian pertahan cora. Meskipun Warrior cora belum sekeras warrior accretia tapi jangan anggap remeh job warrior cora bisa-bisa kamu juga akan kuwalahan melawannya.
Yang kedua adalah job ranger, job ranger cora merupakan job ranger terbesar damage dan akurasinya, maka dari itu hati-hati bila bertemu ranger cora. Di dukung dengan kecepatan dan damage yang besar serta akurasi yang besar pula ranger cora merupakan salah satu andalah bangsa cora setelah job spiritualist. Meski ranger cora mengerikan tetapi HP (Hit Point) job ranger tidak begitu besar, tetapi bila anda pandai bermain range dan memiliki senjata yang cukup anda akan pasti memenangkan perlawanan 1 lawan satu dengan musuh anda.
Yang ketiga dan merupakan job yang paling mengerikan di cora yaitu job spiritualist, yup job magic/sihir di cora merupakan job sihir paling sakit di jagat Rising Force online, karena di upgrade job spiritualist akan memberikanmu 2 opsi yang bertolak belakang tapi sama-sama membahayakan, karena memberikan burst damage yang tinggi serta pertahanan yang kuat. Maka dari itu job spiritualist di bangsa cora selalu menjadi target utama selain job ranger. Meski begitu sama seperti job ranger job ini memiliki HP (Hit Point) yang tinggi sehingga anda diwajibkan dapat mengetahui celah lawan sehingga membuat lawan anda akan mati tanpa membuat sekarat anda.
Yang terakhir sama dengan bangsa-bangsa lain yaitu job spiritualist, Job specialist di cora bisa dibilang job kurang populer dan kurang istimewa dari semua bangsa. biasanya orang-orang memakai job ini untuk membuat/crafting barang agar dapat menjual maupun memakainya. Selain itu biasanya job spec (dibaca : specialist) cora berfungsi sebagai full support karena skill yang dimilikinya.
Dari keempat job dasar bangsa cora memang ada 3 job yang paling laris yaitu warrior, ranger dan spiritualist. Bagi yang baru saja bermain disarankan memakai job warrior karena lebih mudah dalam pemakaiannya baik leveling maupun hunting mata uang bangsa. Tetapi apabila kamu lebih suka menggunakan senjata jarak jauh dan ingin membunuh bangsa lain disarankan untuk memakai job ranger dan spiritualist. Tapi ingat kamu harus cermat melihat celah musuh.
Untuk saya sendiri sebenarnya lebih suka bermain untuk job warrior dan spiritualist karena dikedua job itu memiliki keseimbangan, sehingga membuat kamu dapat bertahan maupun menyerang dan dapat dipastikan musuhmu akan merasa jengkel dan malas untuk mentarget/lock kamu saat berhadapan 1 lawan 1.
Oke Steemian Gamers dimanapun berada, semoga penjelasan saya diatas dapat menambah wawasan dan bermanfaat untuk semuanya. Apabila ada tambahan bisa melalui kolom komentar dibawah, Terimakasih :D.
Hello Steemians Gamers wherever located, Wednesday I will share information about the basic job of the nation in Rising Force Online (RF Online) game. After the previous post I discuss about accretia and bellato this time I will share information about the basic job of the cora nation.
Cora is a nation that can be spelled like an ordinary human, because it has a beautiful face for girls and handsome character for the character of a boy and has a tall physical shape and strapping that makes the cora look strong and impressive. Not inferior to the bellato cora nation also has a speed in moving, thus making cora difficult to pursue.
Cora itself has an advantage on the Spiritualist job (magic) because it is this job that becomes the main strength of even the supper job in the cora, even only the cora that can control the animus. Animus kind of pet that can be used cora to attack and survive according to his ability. Just as Cora bellato has 4 basic jobs to choose from: Warrior, Ranger, Spiritualist and Specialist.
The first is a job warrior, just like any other job warrior job warrior in cora also has HP (Hit Point) and FP (Force Point) are high. So as to make it on the front line is useful as a main shield or tanker, so it does not penetrate the cora defense. Although the Warrior cora is not yet as loud as the warrior accretia but do not take for granted the warrior cora job you will also be able to fight against it.
The second is the job ranger, job ranger cora is the greatest job ranger damage and accuracy, so be careful when meeting ranger cora. Supported with great speed and damage and great accuracy also ranger cora is one of you cora after a spiritualist job. Although the ranger cora is terrible but HP (Hit Point) job ranger is not that big, but if you are good at playing range and have enough weapons you will surely win resistance 1 on one with your enemy.
The third and the most terrifying job in the cora is the job spiritualist, yup job magic is the most painful magic job in the online Rising Force universe, because the upgraded job spiritualist will give you two opposite but equally dangerous options, because it provides high burst damage and strong defense. Therefore the spiritualist job in the nation cora always be the main target in addition to job ranger. Even so just like job ranger job has HP (Hit Point) is high so you are required to know the opponent's gap so that your opponent will die without making your dying.
The latter is the same as the other nations of the job spiritualist, Job specialist in the cora arguably less popular and less privileged job of all nations. usually people use this job to make / crafting goods in order to sell or use them. In addition, usually job spec (read: specialist) cora serves as a full support because of the skills it has.
Of the four basic jobs of the cora nation there are 3 best-selling jobs namely warrior, ranger and spiritualist. For those who just play advised to use the job warrior because it is easier in the use of both leveling and hunting the nation's currency. But if you prefer to use weapons remotely and want to kill other nations are advised to use job ranger and spiritualist. But remember you must be careful to see the enemy gap.
For my own actually prefer to play for the job warrior and spiritualist because both jobs have a balance, so that you can survive and attack and certainly your enemy will feel annoyed and lazy to target / lock you when facing 1 opponent 1.
Okay Steemian Gamers wherever located, hopefully my explanation above can add insight and useful for everything. If there is additional can be through the comment field below, Thanks: D
lol, I thought the first paragraph was going to be all english xD. Had to keep scrolling.
use 0.05 min bid sbd for an upvote from MMG! :)
thanks for appreciation
wow amazing post @ agungpriambodo
if you can visit to my post
thanks for appreciation
I was not that into the game, but I thought the lore and concept was cool back when. Wasn't there supposed to be some new updated version of the game, did that ever materialize?
thanks for your appreciation, for updates usually more into the character level. But there are also players who want to play with a maximum level 50 limit on the server Indonesia.