I've been playing Persona 5 recently, I reached the 100 hours point (but I'm playing slowly so the game probably has 20-30 hours left.) I can see why it's one of the top 3 PS4 games in one of the lists I saw.
I also play Final Fantasy IV: The After Years & The original Deus Ex which I'm still in the first mission cause I suck at it (couldn't play offensively and I suck at stealth.)
Thinking of buying Kingdom Hearts III now that it's price became a bit lower (I'll probably spend all my Steem savings on it! haha~)
- Speaking about "What are you playing?" I was thinking of doing a post like this too, glad someone else thought of the idea!
Wait, what happened to Mega Man? Haha. I'd skip Persona 5 because long RPGs are too "slow" for me, even though I completely understand why they are great. I'm very curious of that FF IV sequel though.
MegaMan I just play here and there between the games, I'm still very weak at it! Haha~
FFIV sequel isn't as good as the original game, but if you love the characters you get to see what happens to them after FFIV. I especially liked Kain's story. (Also, it's not as long as FFIV.)
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SBI share sent.