Corpse Party is a series I'm interested in but I don't think I'll enjoy so I keep getting away from it. Another Kawaii horror series is School Live (Gakkou Gurashi) which is brilliant in my opinion.
Corpse Party is a series I'm interested in but I don't think I'll enjoy so I keep getting away from it. Another Kawaii horror series is School Live (Gakkou Gurashi) which is brilliant in my opinion.
Oooh interesting! I'll have to look into that one! Thanks for the recommendation and the read!
Yeah, I've always been hesitant to jump into the series, but I ended up enjoying it despite its flaws. Really looking forward to checking out the others now!
School Live is an anime/manga that takes place in a school after Zombies overrun the world. The main character blocked that the apocylpse.even happened from her mind and continues to live happily in the school... From the start you know there's something wrong.
I think you'll like it.
That does sound fun!