I'm VERY Old School when it comes to video games.
That is, I have absolutely no use whatsoever for the really violent games where the "blood-and-gore" factor is too real and players get a buzz from offing everybody from cops to civilians.
I'm a PacMan and MsPacMan kind of person.
Love to play BubblePopp at "That Other Place."
The closest I get to looking at gore being done on real people over and over is watching those videos of zits being extracted. Can't get enough of that! LOL
Surprisingly, there is a large number of zitheads out there who would probably go ape over some kind of video game where they can navigate a maze or do some other challenge such as passing a multiple-choice trivia test and get rewarded for their success by earning zit-points that can be either used immediately after earning them or else can be stored up to two weeks to be enjoyed all at once.
If you had, for instance, saved up 100 zit points, you could point your mouse at clogged pores and see what squirms or leaps out of each one. No two zit-extracting experiences would be exactly alike.
As of this time, I'm not in the market to buy all of the equipment, etc. for this, but I seriously-DO think that a game like this would be a best-seller and just might go a long way in making the world a more peaceful place.
P.S. Trust me, @ultrawing, this kind of game would sell!!!