Last time, we made it so the player can take an elevator up from the inside of the landed spaceship to the outside. Now, we're going to make it so that when the level begins, the spaceship comes in for a landing.
As you can see, to make my job easier I've deleted the half of the replica landing zone area that the player cannot see out the cockpit windows. Since there's an elevator inside the ship, it isn't practical to make the entire ship lower down into place. Instead, I have to make the entire room raise up into place from below the ship.
That's tricky with sloped sectors. You have to place the Sector Effector sprite with LoTag of 31 (floor move) at the height of the first wall of the sloped sector (the "hinge" it slopes from) and that's the height the entire sector will move to.
This is what the floors look like, lowered into their starting positions. The ceilings will have to be moved as well, with their own Sector Effectors for moving them into place. But first let's add some Activator sprites and make sure the moving floors work.
...That's not quite right. The entire room moves into place properly except for one sector. Upon checking it out in the grid view, it's because I forgot to give that SE sprite a LoTag of 32. With that fixed, it works perfectly:
Sorry I don't know how to make gifs of webms, but you'll see the effect in action when you play the map. However right now, the descent is smooth and silent. That's not right for a spaceship landing. We need the earthquake effect to make the screen shake around, and a rumbling noise.
However, that will have to wait for the next installment. :)
Stay Cozy!
i was not aware that developing a game needs
such hard efforts
i should concentrate on playing
developing is out of my imagination
How do you manage to design and imagine this soft of stuff, i mean u can present in very simply but you pinpointed every detail and design of your spaceship, its fascinating
Man this really needs alot of brains and hardwork ...i never thought while playing games how much developers work on making the game....making the game with realistic effects like eathquake and a perfect landing is really great of you people working hard to make us enjoy playing the one....thanks alot @alexbeyman.... I wud also ask some question ...what exactly are you good at...i have seen many of you posts write stories ..make plays know about biology , now the developer you are one hell of a encyclopedia in yourself...your are just great .... #hatsOff
What you doin for audio or did I miss that in another post?
I haven't added ambient sound sprites yet, I'll save that for last. But yeah that's important for atmosphere.
How about some fucked out mashup voice lines from previous games? I volunteer for the task.
You are hell of a gamer, environment cautious, Novel writter, what is more to come? Well I didn't loved the graphics from the very beginning of this game, but what matters is how is the difficulty, how much do you love to play it more than the graphics
Hey, Duke is back, I wonder what's the next destination for the spaceship.
I still would stick to my brilliant idea about rows shitting aliens though (But lets put it aside for now).
Wow!!!.thats indeed a great design
How can you even think like that. This is absurd. You just make a hell lot of stuff look so simple with just a beautiful explanation. Where do you get the ideas from. Anyways it seem to be perfectly organised uptil now.
nice post..
Developer take so high risk and waste of time and do hard work..
but when a game is fully read, these reasons are not yet remembered..face is smiling and get so many clapps..
go ahead,sir..
@upvoted and @reseemit
if it helps so------

for sharing error you will try these.,,, www.,,,
I really like the idea of the spaceship coming in for a landing at the beginning of the level and if you can make the screen shake around, and a rumbling noise it would be perfect :)
Its looking really great :) Can't wait to get my hands on it and really like your idea with the spaceship landing. It must take a really lot of work to be able to do a level this big.
Great job, just found out your account and it made me remember of this game that i used to play a lot. It was one of the first FPS that i played in my life back in 1997 :)
is it really going to fly? It's kinda hard to make it with the old school engine.
I demand you to make a playthrough later!
Or even do a playthrough of the original DukeNukem.
I will watch it. I believe it will be fun :D
It will "fly" slowly downward until it comes to rest on the landing pad. That's not so difficult, it's just elevator sectors.
It's very tedious and time-consuming work.
So one part of the difficulty is to sit and do it regularly. Good job with that, I'm curious how the next map will look like.
What are you actually man?
Multi-talented, i must say.
Keep on the good work. Best of luck. @alexbeyman
Brother, this game and make your own? Wow amazing. I salute. Only smart people can afford this. keep working continuously. Prayer from me may always be successful
Thank you brother for ateention to me. i will be following writing competition. Help me for coment and vote. Thank for atention.
Hey Alex, I missed a lot of your blogs. Just came back to steemit after 2months; I hope you remember me 😁😁
Of course I do. Why did you leave?
I had my brother's wedding last month so i was quite busy on that. And also i joined for my bachelor college.
Oh, congratulations!
Thank you and i m soon gonna post some of my works here. Do see it and give suggestions. 😅😅
The design of the game is fabulous. Gamers can feel when developers are passionate about their games. Don't be afraid to hold on to your vision. Your design is the best and the graphics of the game is of the least concern.
Although I don't understand a single thing of what you did there. I have to admit it looks really cool
Duke nukem 3d after a long time.
It looks like a lot of work you've to put for this
great work sir :)
Are you re-designing Dukenukem 3D?
That's awesome..
Keep on the good work, i don't even remember the last time i played DukeNukem 3D..
Great job, great job!
Love you work...
Upvote you it's a sign you work great..
This is a good game. I really enjoy it.
Upvote from @talatawan
It takes so much effort and time for such an awesome masterpiece....Highly Appriciated
i really don't understand the programming and the techniques to program a game, but let me tell you one thing by the images and preview the game looks pretty awesome and would love to see more of it coming in later run... keep up
I have heard that simplicity is the best policy, well that thing I can see here, you have presented this game in a simple way as it should be but I think its better than all, someday I will go through it.
wow..this is great :)
This is actually so awesome. You are a incredibly talented individual. Keep up this amazing work!
When Will the game be released
And what will be the tittle of the game
What a great design
Good luck! bro in your work... But, "I only understand the train station" lol.. U know what I mean.... Haha
You are very creative about this.. I give you kudos
Your post very exellent @alexbeyman
Please vote me @alexbeyman
This is a good game. i really enjoy it. we want to know how to make gifs of webms, so please as soon as possible you collecting for us. we are waiting fo that.
What a complex game !
For a gamer, it's just like a common things,
Are the game there is in playstore?
Or there is away in youtubeHow to play the game @alexbeyman.
Good design and the graphic is great
wow! really, thats indeed a great desing.
This really is a great idea @alexbeyman I really would like to play the map in the future, but don't know if i would have to buy the game or its already free since its quite old game :)
vriliant gaming idea. how is possible..!!
sometimes you are the best in gaming, sometimes writing by part, sometimes good photographer. what are you? sometime i think you are not a man, you are a allian. all-rounder.