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RE: 486/DOS Game Reviews, Volume 2: Rise of the Triad

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Hell yeah, that was my jam too. Also Shadow Warrior. Though Redneck Rampage had some creative level design and good looking textures I would still say Blood was the best of the bunch. The reason they played like Duke3D is that Blood, Redneck Rampage, Shadow Warrior and Duke Nukem 3D were all based on the same 3D engine called BUILD.


Haha yeah Blood was great. It definitely had the aesthetic but I never did get Shadow Warrior. I miss 90's games in a lot of ways. They certainly didn't look as good but they made up for that with charm. I'm still salty that the old style rts games have fallen out of favor too. I used to spend hours playing those things and I still would if they were any good ones around.

Yah no game is perfect every game has its own technical issues