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RE: How I Became a Gamer Part 2: The Original Console Wars

in #gaming8 years ago

We had same thing (pay to play) sega mega drive 2. Only difference is, mine folks were poor. It was a time of big inflation and war in my country. So my brother and i couldn't play it. We were watching lucky ones who could afford it. And wierd part is, we weren't unhappy about state of things, i can't explain them. I guess kids have different perspective, we weren't unhappy, watching was normal, like we didn't even expect more. I really have mixed feelings now. Great article, and please write more, i'll make sure to check them :)


Maybe you should write about your early gaming memories. It sounds like you had a very different experience to me! Mine are rather standard compared with others of my age in UK. There were children at my school who had all the consoles and all the games, mostly because they had tons of brothers and sisters. I was never all that bothered about the rest of the consoles (although I did desperately want a GameBoy - portable gaming baby), I was happy with my Megadrive and the games I had.

Game Boy was awesome! First version of it, green and black monochrome screen, 4x 1.5 V batteries, 8 bit system. I know everything about it :)