Going back to the cabin is very risky, the creature must be looking for us if it is still alive, so I prefer the safety of the rock, he takes my advice and hides with me, is very unlikely to get us there and if he does, then he will not be able to enter through the narrow entrance. Besides, we can share together the heat we have left, alone we could die, I know he is a bandit but it is my option to survive.
I rest for a while and my nerves increase, I feel like I hear footsteps around me, but maybe it's paranohia, when I wake up I see both sides very well, I know it's daytime, despite the dark sinister undergrowth that I can see some reflections around me.
I try to go out, but I see the creature come, I panic and I remain silent thinking that we do not know that we are here, but has chased us by the aroma all night and tries to enter the rift, is very large, so it tries to open the rift with its claws What do we do? I have nothing to defend myself, my companion neither and I see how gradually with his claws is opening the rift.