Hey Steemit Family. Here is a video I made a few years ago, back when I had a game console and played Battlefield. When I played I was always challenging myself to get kills very specific ways. I would go only pistol, or just knife kills, but my favorite thing was using the defibrillator or the repair tool. I cannot even begin to tell you how much hate mail I received while doing this. I thought adding Thunderstruck on top of the video really sealed the deal. I hope you have a good laugh and a great day.

Shamelessly upvoting for Battlefield before even watching, as I am a connoisseur of this fine game myself ;P
But yeah, this is pretty great and takes me back to that one Bad Company 2 montage with Apache on Port Valdez and Thunderstruck (Crookers remix though) which I was watching quite often when I was trying to master the heli :)
Lol. It's great. I never got to play Bad Company. I didn't even really get into gaming until Battlefield 3. When I was living in New York and my younger brother lived in Oklahoma I got into gaming as a way to hang out. I have always thought the Battlefield series was so much better that Call of Duty. Of course there are the vehicles, but everything just seems so much better. More strategy involved.
The new Battlefields are great, but older ones are still holding up. As The Self Appointed Ambassador of Battlefield to the country of Steemit, I have to urge you to try Bad Company series (at least the top notch singleplayer). I won't convince anyone to go and play the even older BFs like BF2, 1942 or 2142 because I know they're old and this makes multiplayer only experiences quite hard to handle.
(shameless plug) If you are a fan you can check out my blog maybe? I'm doing a series on Bad Company now, I share Battlefield news and I hope to write more about BF and BF4 soon. (/shameless plug ;P)
awesome video
Thanks. It was fun. Watching it makes me wish I still had my game console.
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