Colony Survival - A Medieval Zombie Survival Game: Review

in #gaming8 years ago

The Slayer and I at the start of the game.

At three in the morning, last night @ggteixeira came across this game, we decided to purchase it because it appeared to be rather fun. We spent hours playing this game last night and I feel like I can give my first impressions about this game.

Let's dive into the review!

Our hut and small farms.

This game is in alpha production and was released about a month ago, so I do not expect a whole lot of great things to come from playing it this early, just a feel for the base game itself. The game is great, it is exactly what you would believe it is, a medieval zombie survival game, in which you are meant to create a thriving colony.

The difficulty of the game cannot really be changed, the few things you can change is whether or not zombies, "monsters" as it is called in the settings and by the development team, spawn in the game. As well as, if they spawn during the day at night and/or if you want a number of zombies to be doubled. Seeing as we like a challenge we picked the hardest settings they could offer, I am not going to lie here... It was hard, but I think it is partly due to not knowing one thing about the game.

A zombie off in the distance coming to attack our settlement.

The gameplay is very simple, making it easy to pick up as long as you figure out a few things. Being, how to get colonists, as well as how to get them to do jobs. Another thing is how to craft, this can be rather tricky at first, however, after about ten minutes we got all of this down. The building itself is very self-explanatory​, you go gather resources and place them down. This is a Minecraft​ feeling type of game as it comes to building.

We ended up starting a server rather than joining one so we could fully grasp how to play the game, we did, however, ​make it public so we could invade others, or so we thought we could do. Sadly we did not know we could not invade people, the only thing you can do, as of right now (I do not know if they plan on added a way to attack people), is simply "grief" other's bases.

Whenever people did join, seeing as we did not know we could not attack people, the Slayer and I ran up to the person who joined and started​ shooting at him with our bows. This guy was probably thinking "These people are definitely new to the game, what idiots." But, he ended up not saying anything about it and asked if he could join up with us, seeing as we cannot kill we decided to allow him to join us.

The player who joined our server, the one who probably thinks we are stupid.


I believe this game has a lot of potentials​, seeing as it is new and in the alpha stages. As long as the development team continues to work on this rather than take the steady option and allow it to collect money ​if they do so then this game has a bright future ahead of it. I would wait a little while before buying this game seeing as it has just been released and there are not too many things you can do.

Overall Rating:



Current Price

$19.99 - This is in USD

Thank You For Reading!

As always I would like to thank all of you for reading! If you have anything you wish to say then feel free to comment below, I would love to hear from you. Whether you feel like just chatting or questions about the game. If you choose to get this game then good luck on surviving and building a city of greatness!