Greetings friends!
It's been awhile since we last posted an update on the progress of CryoFall development. That's because we were making the game ready for the open alpha. And today we're going to make several pleasant announcements. So, let's begin!

First of all, the game is practically ready for the open alpha, we have completed everything that we wanted to finish before public release. There are of course things that would need further improvements, but we will work on them during the Alpha stage, when you'll provide us with feedback on those features. Bottom line is - the game is now ready!
Secondly, we are now working on our backend system and master server. And it, unfortunately, takes a bit more time than we would have liked. Still, good news is that all of our previous games will benefit from this update as well, including VoidExpanse. Plus, we are also updating VoidExpanse with all new bugfixes and improvements made over the course of several months based on your feedback and reports. We're also providing our modders with extended Modding API.
Lastly, and most importantly, we want to reiterate that during the open alpha stage, CryoFall will be fully accessible and available for everyone for Free on our website! We will soon publish a separate blog entry, explaining how you can download the CryoFall Alpha client and connect to one of our servers.
Thank you for following us and stay tuned for the updates!
Originally posted in our blog: