Hello everyone and welcome to the result of the fifth Axie Infinity Breeding Session: "The pure triple nut !
In the fifth session, I tried to get a pure triple nut using with these two axies:

The probability to get it was 2.57%
Here is the result:

As you can notice it failed:
-I got only one nut cracker part :(
-I got 5/6 beast part :/
Again I couldn’t beat the odd, but I’m still very happy about that 5/6 beast breed.
Tomorrow we will get the result of the pure triple nut, I hopewe can make it this time ;)

Thanks for following the serie!
Still 3 axies to giveaway, post your eth address in comment if you want one!
How to support me and Axie Infinity:
Follow my twitter page: https://twitter.com/AxieFrance
and the official one: https://twitter.com/AxieInfinity
Buy one of my axie: My shop
I'm also willing to sell them for steem to power up!
There is also a landsale going on here.
You can learn more about the landsale on my previous article: Start your kingdom in Axie Infinity today!
Join us sur Axie Infinity: https://axieinfinity.com/#
and on our Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/68DeTqc
Also, I decided to write this serie in English so it's available for more people but if you're french and need advice/ tutorials to get started with Axie Infinity don't hesitate to contact me!