Hey Friends!
There are some games that we can easily say represent clear signs and points of change after the world of games and changed with our terms and requirements that make us say that a game is a "masterpiece" or worthy of the "Game of the Year" or "best this year" and perhaps The Legend Of Zelda series was one of those series, which whenever launched a new title raised the hopes and aspirations of users and influenced all the titles that will be issued after perhaps in a way that some people do not imagine or even not noticed, but they exist and their impact exists and strongly.
This force comes not only monetarily or industrially, but translates money and millions into Nintendo, perhaps in such a way that the development costs of the game are negligible compared to the financial success it meets. If we take Breath Of The Wild as the latest addition to the series, On the Switch platform. Just let us agree that these sales are low and limited by the spread of the switch worldwide or specifically in our Arab world, which is still looking at the inferior view of the Switch and the games that are issued on it.
We will talk with you today about Breath Of The Wild, which we can say is the best Open World game released after The Witcher 3 - for your convenience and appreciation of the magnificence and size of the game - and in my opinion the strongest candidate for the year's award at various sites and media platforms, And the Shaded Cell style in the graphics fools you, the least descriptive description of this game is that Master Piece came to redefine the games of the open world.
There is a saying, "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." This is the best description of Breath of the Wild. Despite its extreme simplicity, it offers an unparalleled artistic experience on the current generation. About the journey of the hero "Link" to try to rescue the beautiful sleeping princess "Zelda" and defeat the greatest evil that threatens the world and this trip by the way does not require you to know anything about the world before you start, if you are new to the series you can start from here and will not feel anything You lack.
Is there more simplicity than this? In the truest sense, is there a more traditional story than this? It is the story that we grew up in since childhood, and we have seen it repeatedly in all the works of art from movies, series, games and even written stories, and despite this repetition that may lead you to boredom, the game of Breath Of The Wild is amazingly amazing to escape the cliché trap and repetition Presentation and boredom of the main plot so much so that at some stage events become as important as presentation and presentation.
If you want to take a closer look at the story, the game will begin with Link's awakening from a deep languor of about 100 years and the appearance of an ethereal voice without a body talking to you and asking you to save it and then you will meet an old man who begins by giving you some tasks to rediscover your strength and what you can do in this world And how, from this point until the end of the game will become the story of the process of exploration in succession, all you will get from the sub-characters and NPC's is their version of events and how they saw it and not how it happened, your memories alone is the real record of what happened and how and why and you will have to recover to discover all the different details in this World Disaster caused by Calamity Ganon.
The game plot and its basic story are simple, easy and clear, but its details, world and other stories in this world are far from clear. The game rejects the style of holding hands and introduces you to everything you have to do and everything you can do in the world. The game is almost finished after 50 hours of play and near the end I discovered a new way to use the quality of the weapon that I used to play. Ast A 50-hour service and a different configuration for using bombs and other capabilities in the game.
The game version of the tour will be the first set of tasks in the first area and you regain your strength and wake up from your slumber and then everything will be available to you to learn and recognize alone without any guidance from the game, and this freedom is absolutely free as long as you left the first area of the game, and those The moment you leave, you can go to Ganon to face him, of course you will lose to your lack of many things. The first is your mastery of the fighting style in the game but you still have this freedom to go and do any task in any order and in whatever form you wish to do. Some will be completed For some of the story will not be affected in any order, complete freedom as I told you.
The game adopts a method of playing close to the Souls games. The direct attack on any enemy, whatever your strength and readiness will inevitably lead to your defeat and perhaps even one shot. The best way is to study the enemy in front of you and use a variety of defense and attack at the right times to defeat them. This adds a new level of fun. The game is special and it possesses a wide and powerful assortment of different weapons.
The weapons range from a tree branch to a special sword, the Master Sword. In the middle you will find a variety of weapons such as bayonets, hammers, arches, daggers, and swastikas that you can throw like Bomarang and armor. You will be able to switch between weapons and armor in a quick and easy way. To make it easier for you to play, all weapons except the Master Sword have one common factor which is that they will break after a period of use or use them in the wrong way for a long time, when the weapon is broken it goes forever and you have to search it again to be able to use it Print some weapons will have effects such as electricity or fire environment and these effects will change the environment change for the game, which I will talk about next.
The thing I would like to praise on Nintendo is its high interest in detail. The game possesses as many details and variables that have received the same attention as the main aspects. Let's take an example of this environmental difference and weather factors, which we have been used to all over the world. But the game here will take this to the next stage. For example, when you visit the desert area, you will not be able to run for long periods or even walk your clothes and armor in the day because of the extreme temperature and exactly the opposite in the glaciers. Volcanic will need special clothes to be able to properly explored, and all the inhabitants of these areas are characterized by characteristics that help them to live in different environments and if you own a weapon, iron, you have to warn thunderstorms Stsepk certainly because of the iron weapon.
I will give the following lines to talk about cooking in the game, yes, as you heard cooking, the game gives you the idea of Potions and different doses on the image of different foods gathered from different places to be used in the kitchen to get meals give you different effects, for example you can get a special meal will restore points Which you lost from your life and others to resist the cold and ice and so on, not all the similar amounts, you should look at the beginning of the book recipes and then about the different amounts of each recipe to be able to produce and benefit from, and if you decide to get up the game will punish you and give you bad meals taste For but give you the desired result of them in the end.
At the beginning of the review I compared Breath Of The Wild to The Witcher 3, and some may be surprised by this comparison. The Witcher 3 gave us a very complicated and sophisticated storyline about BoTW, but the main similarity between the two games is Side Content or Side Content and the details developed by developers in the world Most of the missions in the Breath of the Wild come with a background story or details related to them and reveal a new part of this world. Most of them are related to our hero Link and the history of Hylure and some other tasks that vary from Fetching or Looking for something, there is a total Of the tasks that I remember clearly are the musical puzzles you listen to and try to find the place described by the puzzle of course without any help from the game or even a hint to this place, these puzzles will depend on you and your intelligence only without anything else, but the magnificence and beauty of the game's lateral content appears in Things you discover without tracking any task or side story and the game is full of these details.
And now to talk about the strongest point and side in BoTW is the Dungens or as they call the game The Shrines, which are temples or archaeological areas scattered in different places around the world and each of them a challenge of his own and every challenge to test your intelligence The ability of patience and load or even your ability to link information and things To solve this puzzle, most of these puzzles come in more than one way to solve them and most of them depend on the basic skills you will learn during your journey in the game, why you will complete these Shrines? Because its completion will give you Spirit Orb which you can use to move to the next level and increase your abilities and in some cases will give you weapons and clothes rare and more powerful than other weapons, the game contains about 120 temples and each one is different in challenging the other, believe me when I tell you that there are temples Come with ideas to say the least genius, a large part of the side tasks in the game will lead you to these temples, which will sometimes appear as a reward you enter it will not find a challenge, but you will find treasure and reward in front of you.
The game's side-by-side content does not stop at missions and shrines, but extends to the size of the whole world. When you start the game, you must notice that you can reach everything you see on the map or in the world. If you walk in the middle of the world and find something or a mountain You can easily go to him in any way you like and things that will draw your attention and attract too much so do not stop exploring the world it contains a lot of details and information and secret and side missions, which you will discover during your trip more than any other game, I can not go in All details The game itself will need a long collection of articles, but as far as the map you will find different tribes, races, missions, stories and legends and talk about the details of this amazing world.
The game comes with a special graphics engine from Nintendo and is dominated by the character of the cell-shaded in the graphics or we can say that it is somewhat cartoon, and despite the general graphical scene of the game, which may not be popular for some, it comes at a high graphic level and a very high attention to different details in the game and factors Such as reflections on surfaces of water and rocks that fall or even the cycle of night and day and various weather factors.
In spite of the cartoon character of the game, you will find a variety of scenes and landscapes in the world of the game especially as the areas of the game vary and vary widely between the Sahara and mountainous areas and the glaciers and open ice and open forests in addition to the Aincent Technology and different manifestations around the game and its world, the characters drawn with great care and interest With all the details whether they are in the characters' clothes or in their features and behavior and you will not be able to find one mistake in the figures of the characters, whether human or any other class, and this level of attention to detail also moves For the rest of the creatures and monsters you will meet in the game, which will be able to find its weakness by looking at it.
The graphic and technical level of the game is amazing and dazzling. It serves its story and world very well and the developers take it to the minute detail to produce a dazzling picture and a very beautiful painting. These graphics may not attract some, but they are a kind of realistic artistic imagination, unlike real games such as The Witcher 3 or the rest of the AAA games so it is a required level of art and is meant to look like a abstract painting hanging in a museum.
On the other hand, the music is not epic or great but it will hang with you for a long time and add some fun to the game. Music changes constantly as the world changes and the scene changes whether it is a fight or a quiet city on the banks of the river. Good and do the desired purpose, no more and no less.
My game experience lasted about 50 hours on the WII U platform because I could not get to Switch. However, the experience of the game and graphics was almost unaffected and I enjoyed the whole experience without any suffering and like many Arab users I was not enthusiastic about it and without many nominations from my friend and lots of poems In the game and the experience I offer I would not have made such a move and like many I would have wondered why this series gets all this critical and public attention outside our Arab region?
These questions and others ended completely with the completion of the first task and move to the open area in the game, where I realized that the game is not a copy of the experience of another open world and does not provide the Check List and a list of tasks to make the world wide and give you a false sense of the size that will quickly, Most of the games depend on copying the event and the task for more than once and perhaps add the innovation in one factor and change which is contrary to what depends on Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild It offers you side missions as a way to access and enjoy the content of the side and specifically enjoy the wide and large exploration in the game And as I said the strength of the first game and the big, there are long hours spent walking without a goal and without specifying any side task only to enjoy all the details and to explore this world and because this in itself a fun unparalleled and other, in other games developers create the world to meet the need of missions And the challenges that exist in it here and on the journey Link, the world has come at the beginning of all details and characters and stories and then came to fill the world and to help you and give you an incentive to explore, Believe me this world the longer I spend the more you rewarded the more and gave you greater incentive.
Final Evaluation - 9.8 / 10
Review Summary
The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild has given up on epic moments and epic battles and has chosen to take a simpler and clearer course, but that does not mean it does not come with a more challenging journey than it can escape from all the traditional clichés that you would expect from a traditional plot like And to be able to deal with many of the problems of the games of the open world, which suffers greatly lack of creativity and weakness and to be able to also provide a living world in every sense, whether in the events and personalities or even in his paintings that breathe vigor, this game deserves all the wait and all the glorification that I got It's since r Its role until today.
If you like my post and you find it benefit you just upvote and follow me to give you more and more amazing Games reviews, by @aymenz ..
Very good game. I don´t like the weapon durability system though. The dungeons are very disappointing, too. Overall I think the game is overrated.
Great , thank you for your reading am happy to see your comment , good luck ^_^
Seem to be a nice game
It's very good , thank's for your comment bro
I miss the old days...
Lool it was great just the games ^_^
Gonna try this game soon. Thanks for sharing!
Welcome , thank you too for your reading ..