[GAME REVIEW] Let's know the Roles of Heroes in MOBILE LEGENDS: BANG BANG [ENG] #2

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemian, welcome back with me (SharkGaming) @bangarif. Today, according to my promise, I will discuss about the role of each kind of hero in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. Every hero has its own role. Some act as initiators, executors, supporters, and others. Among them, there is also a double role, such as Tank / Fighter, which means this hero can act as a tank and also a fighter or Assassin / Magic, Marksman / Fighter, and Marksman / Assassin. However, it depends on how players use each of their heroes. Each hero has its own passive attack. So, be smart in using it.

Previously, I would like to thank all the steemians who have supported each of these articles. I hope you guys always support me to keep posting all the useful things about Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. I want you all to be a Pro Player like any other player, and let's fight together. If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave the comment column below.

Currently, Mobile Legends: Bang Bang has 6 types of hero roles. Among them are Tank, Fighter, Assassin, Mage, Marksman, and Support. And we will discuss it one by one. Every new update, the Moonton (developer Mobile Legends) always provide buff or nerf to heroes who are considered over power or less compete. That's to attract Mobile Legends enthusiasts in order to try all kinds of hero and not fixated on one kind of hero only. Therefore, before we get to know any more hero, let's know the role of the hero first. And we start from hero with the role of Tank. Prepare a glass of your coffee and hope you like it.


Tanks are a type of hero that has HP (healthpoint) and high defense, but has below average attack. The tank is usually at the forefront of the war, its task to become a shield for fighter / assassin / mage / marksman and support behind it. With its durability as a hero, the tanks are excellent for dividing the opponent formation and allowing the carry to drain the opponent's HP. This type of tank usually does not have great damage to kill the enemy, but can provide support for attacks (stun, slow, and others of each crowd control). A tank user should not have the cowardly nature or stand behind. Because the tanker is a war opener and an attack initiator.

Hero tank has a unique shape and funny but deadly. Such as Panda-shaped, Stone, Taurus and even some form of Cars. A tanker will usually pair up with the Mage on the upper or bottom lane, and also sometimes on 3 lanes (one lane filled with 3 heroes). The existence of the tank here as cover/protector of mage or other heroes who have health point (hp) low. The tanker body has high armor and magic resist so it does not make it easy to die. All hero types of tanks have a special ultimate. There is a stun, slow, crowd control, and everything that is feared by heroes other than tanks. So no one if the type of tank hero is a battle opener.

Example of gameplay Tank: AKAI


If you have a soul as a protector for the lives of others, then you may try to learn the heroes of this type of tank. Because, rarely players use this type of tank hero, probably because of the amount of kill a little even almost none. Also his influence in determining victory is also very small compared to other heroes such as marksman, fighter or mage, the role of the tank as marginalized. Currently, Mobile Legends: Bang Bang has 11 heroes with a tank type. Among others are: Gatotkaca, Lolita, Johnson, Hilda, Minotaur, Hylos, Grock, Balmond, Franco, Tigreal, and Akai. However, not all of these heroes purely act as tanks there are also who play a fighter like Hilda and Balmon. So, let's try it all.


  • High HP (Healthpoint)
  • Armor and Magic Resist are thic
  • Have a crowd control effect.


  • Low of damage
  • Lack of interest.

Tips for using Tank: Stay on the line and wait for the right moment to start the war. Do not be afraid to sacrifice for victory, because a tanker is created to protect his friends.

2. Fighter

Fighter is a melee type fighter. Hero fighter in general has a high defense and attack. How the Fighter usually attack / jump towards the enemy while attacking while his friend repaid the enemy's blood then back away, and then jump again towards the enemy to finish and finish him. This type of fighter also exists that uses Mana (a kind of energy) and does not use Mana. Fighter who uses Mana is a fighter type that relies on energy to exclude skill and ultimate as the main way to launch an attack. Fighter who uses Mana is a fighter type that relies on energy to exclude skill and ultimate as the main way to launch an attack. These horses include Alpha, Jawhead, Bane, Zilong, Freya, Roger and Sun. While the fighter heroes who do not rely on Mana to launch attacks and rely more on basic attack are Alucard, Chou, Hilda, and Balmond.

Appropriate role, fighter is one opener attack other than tanks. Fighter has a high damage making it easier to fight one on one with the enemy. However, the fighter takes a long time to make it unstoppable. It takes about 10 minutes to make all the items a fighter, but if a fighter often dies in the fight it will make it weak because it will lose the level and item owned by the opponent. Fighter has a variety of skills. So make players interested to try it.

Example of gameplay Fighter: Zilong


For now, Mobile Legends has 13 types of heroes. Among others are Alpha, Sun, Lapu-Lapu, Jawhead, Argus, Hilda, Freya, Ruby, Roger, Chou, Balmond, Bane, and Alucard. Fighter is also the most feared hero for late games. Because it has great damage at the end of the fight. The most feared fighter in the late game is Roger and Alucard.


  • Easy to steal tower
  • Has a high lifesteal
  • Feared by the opposing team if the item is ready


  • Wasteful of Mana
  • Weak defense
  • Difficult to use, because it must play at close range

Tips for using Fighter: Dont be affarid to attack cause fighter have a life steal and lock the weakest hero like Marksman or Mage. Then, victory in yours.

3. Mage

Mage is the most hero type of Mobile Legends Players. Beside the beautiful and sexy character, the mage also has great damage and complicates the opponent. Mage has a cute yet dangerous character. Early in the game, the mage can dominate the entire lane. It can even kill enemies easily. That's because the mage damage at the beginning of the game is huge. Plus at the beginning of the game, the enemy does not have magic / magic resistance yet, so it's easy to install an enemy HP hero slowly.

Some of the mages have a low difficulty level to use, that means mage is easy to use. However, the use of Mana is great at the beginning of the game, making the mage a hero with wasteful Mana. This Hero also average has a wide range of attacks. Supported by various effects, mage becomes the most useful hero during war. Some of them have Electric effect, Frost effect, Transform effect, Fire effect, Stun effect etc.

Example of gameplay Mage: Eudora


For now, Mobile Legends has 12 types of heroes. Among others are Kagura, Alice, Pharsa, Zhask, Harley, Vexana, Aurora, Cyclops, Nana, Eudora, Karina, and Gord. Some of them are acting like assassin like karina and support like Nana. Some of them have special crowd control effects, Aurora for Freeze, Kagura for Umbrella, Harley for Deadly Ring, Nana for Transform into a cat, Eudora for Electric, Gord and Alice for Stun, Zhask for Summon Alien, and Vexana as Necromancer.


  • High damage in early game
  • Has a special effect
  • Easy to use


  • Lowest HP
  • The main target of the enemy
  • Wasteful of Mana

Tips for using Mage: Stay behind Tank, keep distance with enemy and activate ultimate at the right time, never be on the front line. So, victory is yours.

4. Assassin

Assassin is a type of fighter who has the attack and high speed. These roles usually roam to top / bottom while jungling, so do not be surprised if the assassin type likes to appear suddenly and then help / kill. Carry type is the type most targeted by assassin and certainly very helpful team in reducing the pressure from the enemy. Assassin is a kidnapper, assailants quietly, and cold-blooded killers. Kidnapping weak heroes like Marksman and Mage. With the speed of skill possessed, it will be very easy for him to kill in an instant.

However, assassin is heavily dependent on forest monsters / jungles. So, do not ever disturb the assassin when he is farming, because if assassin loses level with other heroes like Marksman or Mage, then he will be very easy to kill. Let him farming to raise his level, because it will help the team win. If assassin has a higher level than the enemy, then he will have high damage and it will be very easy to kill enemy heroes.

Example of gameplay Assassin: Saber


For now, Mobile Legends has 11 types of heroes. Among others are Saber, Alucard, Natalia, Lancelot, Helcurt, Karina, Zilong, Fanny, Hayabusa, and Lapu-Lapu, Karina. Some of them are acting like fighter like Lapu-Lapu, Alucard, and Zilong and marksman like Lesley.

  • Quick and fast attack
  • High damage
  • Have a disable skill like Saber and Natalia


  • Lowest HP
  • Wasteful of Mana
  • Difficult to use

Tips for using Assassin: Never start war, get into the bushes or behind Tank, wait for the enemy HP to stay half, then execution. And savage is yours.

5. Marksman

Marksman is a type of hero that has long range attacks and high damage. This type is sometimes called carry. Marksman is the determinant of a team, if the gear is formed. Because the damage it has can not be matched by any hero. Because of the distance of his distant attack, he can take shelter behind a Tank or a fighter to continue firing his enemy constantly. Marksman is the determinant of a team, if the gear is formed. Because the damage it has can not be matched by any hero. Because of the distance of his distant attack, he can take shelter behind a Tank or a fighter to continue firing his enemy constantly. As the longer, a marksman's attack gets faster and has great damage and critical. No wonder, the opposing mage will die in just three shots.

However, for early games, marksman is the weakest hero. Low durability makes it the target of an opponent's Mage or Assassin. Therefore, at the beginning of the game, for a marksman not to focus on kill, focus on leveling and farming. Up to two or three gears / items are formed. Afterwards, you can participate in the war. And do not ever try to fight other heroes alone, because your HP is very thin and easy to kill.

Example of gameplay Marksman: Layla


For now, Mobile Legends has 9 types of heroes. Among others are Layla, Clint, Irithel, Moskov, Bruno, Miya, Lesley, Yi Sun-Shin, Karrie, and Roger.


  • Quick and fast basic attack in late game
  • Highest damage and armor penetration
  • Long range attack


  • Lowest durability
  • Dont have magic resist and armor
  • Easy to kill

Tips to use Marksman: Keep a safe distance with the enemy, stay behind the Tank and never try to move forward. Don't target tank first, lock target enemy heroes with the lowest HP like Mage or Marksman. Victory or savage is yours.

6. Support

Support in mobile legend is more often interpreted as healing. But, there is also has the ability to remove any crowd control from enemies heroes like stun, slow, disable, or freeze. Support is very useful in battle, because keeping your HP team mates remain full. Or remove any negative effects of teammate when war is going on. The hero support user must know when he is providing assistance or help remove the negative effects received by the team. Because it really affects the victory.

However, the available hero support is very few and easy to anticipate. The hero support user should be ready to be a distraction if a teammate has a crisis and if a war is going on, hero support is at the back so as not to become the target of an enemy mage or assassin. Today, the most feared hero support is Diggie. Because this hero can eliminate all negativ effects and produce stun or slow to the enemy.

Example of gameplay Support: Estes


For now, Mobile Legends has 9 types of heroes. Among others are Lolita, Minotaur, Nana, Estes, Diggie, Rafaela, and will release is Angela.

  • Easy to use
  • Can give heal to teammate


  • Lowest damage
  • Main target of the enemy

Tips to use Support: Stay in the safest and safest position. Do not be stingy to give heal to the team. Protect Carry / Marksman. Must dare to be a distraction.

So, please leave the COMMENT, UPVOTE and FOLLOW this account and next I will review the skill, gameplay, and ultimate of all heroes in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.Finally, the last but not least, we come to the end of writing. Big thanks I say to my friend @jeesandy who has helped in the process of making this article. This article is entirely my thought without plagiarism from other sites. And our Curator Gaming in Indonesia @jodipamungkas. If there are any criticism and suggestion, please leave the comment below. So that we can both build this account for the better.

~Warm Regards~

Follow: @bangarif