search for magical objects by attacking princess hilda
Good night friends wherever you meet again as usual with @barzah. Tonight I write the blaze of a game that I play and also I fill the empty time by playing mobile lords game when my work is done. And this game also has made my attraction so incredible that everywhere I go always remember the android that I have and always I make sure to bring it and do not miss it. So is your best friend. Because this game has its own appeal because the graphics are not inferior to the game that has a high speck but its different is this game we get with android version. Maybe among friends you already know how the game 8 in work and how the pleasure contained in this game so that if you try definitely will not want to die it .. 😂😂
Friend of gaming .. on this night I write an adventure that I played a few minutes ago and I parse a little story line that I took in his plays. Hope can make a guideline for you guys in playing this game and how to complete a mission in every adventure contained in the game. Friends who do not know about this fame, you can visit my post and this is my 37th post. There you can read it and also you can make it as a guide about the performance of mobile lords game. But tonight back again I say that this game is a royal adventure game. Which game makes us as head of government and control of a job. If you like and have your ideals in the future you become the head of government here for you to study. At least you are not directly involved in the realm of your ideals 🤣🤣🤣.
Okay my friend .. I will discuss my adventure tonight about lords mobile that is completing a mission to get a magical object that is needed by hero to perfect science in fighting enemy. And I have to deal with Hilda's daughter tonight. 🤓🤓🤓🤓
Angry Boom Hilda
Hilda is a princess who has a very fat body posture and has a rocket weapon that can destroy its enemies by being accompanied by several trains that have a deadly mortar boom. Even the princess of this hilda has a weapon inherent in her hand when she tries her hand then the mortar will come out darin weapon it leads to my hero. On the other side of this hilda also has his men very scary with the appearance of a tribe deepening and has a machete gun with a very long handle and that makes him very scary to wear a horned hat...
But with my hero troops mainstay troops are not so difficult in the fight because the men of this hilda is only one person without any other soldiers so that my hero mainstay no difficulty in fighting up in just 1 minute this enemy fell. He was at the second door before we faced the hilda. But in defeating this creature I put on the automatic button so I did not have to direct the hero to do the attack. In this game there are two ways in which we automatically attack the first opponent manually and the second automatically. At the first door stage we were confronted by some of the hilda guys and included a violent dwarf tribe. They are unhurt by us and supported by the old magician who is at the back row of this old wizard functioning as a medical on the set of resistance. The old wizard also issued a light on his wand to slaughter our hero.
In addition, our trip here is solely to find the magical object for my hero I have to do it again and again to get the object out and finally I get it. But after I get me into the list of heroes not one oun among heroes I can add because the level is not enough. Though the purpose to complement the magic object 8ni is solely to deal with the gatekeeper in the search mission Sparky is kept tight by the cathiss. In yesterday's edition I wrote that I was dealing with cattis in the mission of getting a new hero that is Sparky after I eliminate the old crow I headed straight to cathiss after visiting several doors guarded by other minions. However, my struggle is still nil because my hero troop has not reached the level to receive the objects I get in the hilda.
In this resistance I do this myo myo is wesley, the leader of the dwarf tribe that I got in the quest for a new hero minnion boom and the little elf then added again with the snow princess. So the resistance that I do with this hilda is very easy but little constraints usually occur in the mission depends on the hero troops that we descend
So my friend writing tonight may be useful and can also be your material in playing mobile lord game and I say terimaksih for his visit to my post if there are less understood please fill in the comment field below and if you like this game please install in your android play store and get it for free. Let's play this mobile lord and let's order an empire and let's join the clan barzah hopefully useful. See you in the next post
Nice Post
Thank you very much brother....
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