Player 5 (th)
If action 1 is sucessful then I guess pick up a gas can.Bonus roll @rolld20
Action & 2: Axe the hulk @rolltwodice - I think my first use of roll two dice.
If action 1 is sucessful then I guess pick up a gas can.Bonus roll @rolld20
Action & 2: Axe the hulk @rolltwodice - I think my first use of roll two dice.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 4.
rolltwodice did not seem to work, so here is @rollthedice for action one, depending on what it rolls I'll be back to roll again.Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 5.
Okay, I think the hulk is dead so getting some gas.
Where are you getting the gas from? Is that from P11 and the offer made 2 days ago?
secret-art 12 hours ago:
If there really is no gas that's fine, just thinking about all them zombies behind us, and maybe finding a torch along the way, or passing the gas to someone who could use it later.
After re-reading everything, I think I may have discovered what you were thinking: I suspect you wanted to pick up the gas dropped by P11 as opposed to doing a trade. Generally, items dropped by other players can NOT be picked up by others. This game made an exception for when a player is killed and drops their items. However, P11 was not killed, so the item(s) dropped by a player by choice are not available to other players. Sorry about the confusion.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 3.
OK, thanks. I just needed to know where the gas was coming from and not that you thought it was just laying around for people to pick up anytime they wanted. I'll move it from P11 inventory to yours.
Woops! I just realized that P11 dropped the gas since nobody took it when offered and I forgot to update the rifle that was found. Since P11 has a torch and gas, I suspect that they would want to keep them both. In that case, there is no more gas being offered. The offer was to take the EXTRA gas.