The prequel shows you why Chloe behaves like she does in the original. And if you understand why someone does something, it is usually easier to like them, to have empathy for them, so it's no surprise that Chloe is slowly becoming more likably in the prequel. I think in the original it wasn't made clear enough just how badly Max treated Chloe, so Chloe treating Max badly made Chloe look bad even though Max really deserved it.
In the prequel it's made very clear when you look through the SMS between Max and Chloe. When you look at how Chloe writes letters to Max that are never answered. When she starts to turn Max into her imaginary friend, almost. I really liked Max too and didn't like Chloe, but if I'm honest, both Chloe and Max have some really shitty character traits. And that's realistic, they're both teenagers, they are still becoming the adults they will once be, they'll fuck up along the way like we all did.
And who knows what we'll see in the sequel which will be made by the original developer again :) I did not expect them to ever make a sequel, and we don't know yet if it will even have the same characters or new ones since a sequel was thought to be impossible with the multiple endings of the first game, but I hope it'll show adult Max, even if just as a side note, to see what's become of her.
Ya I was sad for Chloe when I read her journal pages, Max just vanished... but I guess that's sort of real, when you move away it's hard to keep touch and it's common to drift away. Sad but true, and yeah totally gives context for Chloe's behavior. It's like that saying don't judge someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. Now we get to walk in Chloe's.
I hope the sequel is good. The prequel looks like it's going to be fantastic. As for how they will do it concerning all the different endings, that will be tough. I just played Dishonored: Death of the Outsider and there was a similar issue there. Apparently in the earlier games you could have made choices that would have killed off the two characters Daud and Billie Lurk. But the 'cannon' version of the story is what you get to play where they both lived.
Guess Life is Strange 2 could go that route. I was so surprised by how big some of the changes could be like someone committing suicide or you being able to stop her. I was so used to Telltale games where the options were usually illusions of choice and changed nothing major by games end.