If I may correct you, it's not the true... For engaging your "mons " (👹👿👻)in battle you only need some "stamina" and your wallet have to sign a tx but you don't pay anything (thank to a good shaped update). What you say have been right, during the first month, but they find a way to reduce users friction & gas cost by moving to signing fonction.
Yes you will have to pay, as Dapp consume gas, but in the new design you pay gas for 1tx which give you 10 free stamina point. A battle consume 2stamina points. And the gas cost of this claiming stamina tx is (for the last couple of weeks) between 8cents to 16cents....
So for making 5 battles (10free stamina /2) it will cost you [8;16] cents... Which give a cost for one battle of 0.016cent (in good case, or 0.032 cents if gas cost are hight...
Any complement @anomaly?