DOOM! Sorry i had to, last year saw the release of the much anticipated doom "reboot", many fans of my generation were extremely nervous and anxious to get there hands on this game as most "reboots" or new offerings from an old franchise get swamped with modern gaming gimmicks and completely miss the mark as to what made them amazing in the first place, DOOM seems to be the exception to this, so lets stomp everything in sight and glory kill our way to victory as we review DOOM.
DOOM is very light on typical triple A game play story line, and that's exactly how it should be, you are given no real time to get used to your settings, watch opening videos or basically anything, you as the Doom Marine awake in a sarcophagus in a deserted facility, only it's not deserted the hallways are teeming with Demons and you know only one thing, rip and tear, until it is done, you immediately encounter a possessed who you graciously smash their skull apart on your tomb and move across the room to find the Praetor Suit, a technological marvel that no one can quite explain where it came from.
As you put the suit on you're contacted by Dr Hayden who attempts to give you a quick run down of what's happening, but this is DOOM, we only have one objective, brutalize everything in sight, smashing the communicator you run out into the hallway to find it infested with demons and it's up to you to tear them limb from limb until there are no more left.
This is really the entire story line for Doom, you're on a facility on Mars where they have found a way to tap into Hell itself and siphon off the energy inside, since it is limitless and clean it's led to astounding advancements on earth, however there are some people in the facility who want to see the full glory of hell exposed and before long portals have opened all over Mars spewing out Demons, your job is to find out who is doing this and murder them and everything in the way.
The story line isn't deep or intricate but that's what makes this so amazing, you have one job and you do it very, very well.
Game Play
DOOM is one of the most fluid first person shooters ever, stopping is certain death so you will need to keep moving and keep killing to stay alive and boy is there a lot to kill on Mars, the Doom Marine is a one of a kind superhuman, nothing is too hard for him and no enemy is too tough, he is the perfect killing machine and you'll see that in the game, bullets aren't his first line of defense as he can rip demons apart with his bare hands, from the smallest all the way up to the largest, he'll find a way to remove the demonic presence.
It's really hard to sum up DOOM's game play in a review as it's so fluid and adaptive it's hard to nail down exactly what makes it special but the main thing here is fluidity, after a few maps you'll find yourself becoming the Doom Marine as you seamlessly kill your way through levels, never stopping, never slowing down and never in a dire situation, there's a great meme online that sums it up perfectly.
"How come Doom Marine doesn't get PTSD?"
"Not even everyone who experiences a traumatic event gets it"
"Guys you're missing the point, Doom Marine IS the traumatic event"
As you dive a little deeper into the game you find that the demons are terrified of him and with good reason, you'll unlock different guns that are amazing like the BFG and HMG but also items like the Chainsaw, all of these are used to kill literally hundreds of demons on any given map, i could sit here trying to explain this to you but as always it's just easier to show you.
This is a game made for PC and it shows, it runs flawlessly because it has to, the game play is pretty one sided as well but also that's because it has to be, there are a few hidden things like secrets and trials to level up your runes but for 95% of the game you're going to be killing your way through demon infested facilities and it's pretty god damn entertaining.
Visuals and Music
Visually DOOM is really a tale of two games, the set pieces and static graphics look amazing but the moving parts and demons look a little watered down it's kind of hard to explain, this is a game based on it's gore so you would think that the majority of the visual budget would go into the gore department but it strangely doesn't, now i'm not saying that the graphics are bad they're actually amazing but there is something to be desired as the textures seem way to smooth during glory kills.
Now i can understand from a design angle not making 300 different animations but it does make you wonder "what if" even though they have numerous kill/death animations they always appear very smooth and neat as you can see below
Now while still brutal you can see the blood effects are rather smooth it doesn't seem to spray, rather it's just there hanging out, i admit it's a bit of a nitpick but it's still annoying enough that it grabbed my attention, however some parts are truly amazing looking and the set pieces of the demon infested facilities are marvelous to look at as you'll see below.
But there's also another very big thing about DOOM, the music, being a metalhead i love this soundtrack, it's exactly what is needed and i couldn't think of anything more appropriate for DOOM, alot of the songs are very industrial or metal heavy and some use different sounds to create songs, for example the DOOM title track on the main menu is a synthesized chainsaw that has been turned into a guitar riff, extremely cool and extremely effect, as you play through the game you'll notice just how well the music suits the atmosphere and how much it gets you pumped to go demon hunting.
A difficult game to review
DOOM is difficult to review for a number of reasons the most prevalent being the fact that it's better to play than to read, it's also hard to articulate the feeling of the game as it becomes its own story in of itself, rushing through levels, killing everything that moves, finding new and more insane guns and weapons as well as stronger enemies is something better experienced than it is reviewed about, however in the interest of testing myself i thought "what the hell why not try it anyway".
This is a game that really needs to be played and enjoyed, and so far I haven't met anyone that has said "Yeah the new DOOM was terrible compared to the old ones" it really is a game that people collectively agree one which is surprising but also incredibly refreshing in this market as people across all platforms and play styles seem to love getting into the shoes of the Doom Marine and tearing the shit out of Mars with chainsaws and fists.
Ultimately however I have to stick to what I said, this is a game that is better played than it is read about or reviewed and given it's low price at the moment on Steam and other places I feel confident enough to say, this is a game you won't regret playing.
I've been on the fence about buying this but I continually hear nothing but good things about it... I guess I'm going to have to finally look at upgrading my ol' dustbox come Black Friday.
What specs are you using on your PC?
It's worth it man, it really is.
My specs are pretty high end.
GTX 1080
32GB DDR4 Ram
i7 7700k