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RE: Cuphead Racist & Ableist? SJW vs Gaming Rant - AlphaOmegaSin

in #gaming7 years ago

Man i just wrote a review on Cuphead where i ripped gaming "journalists" for this shit, why can't people just fucking enjoy video games like we used to instead of looking for things to be offended by.

Good video my dude, keep calling people out on this shit.


It's amazing honestly how many of these clowns manage to find something and turn it into the next big thing to be triggered by. Then like usual once it's not being talked about by everyone they go ahead and move on to the next trending article online to twist into whatever mess they can

GamerGate anyone? oh nvm we got told to shut up by our sponsors, next topic.

These people are leeches who attach themselves to gamers who just want to play fucking video games, not deal with their constant SJW pandering and victimhood culture, if you don't like the "state" of gaming, then move the fuck on and get out of our culture so we can at least enjoy it without having a crusade led on us every few weeks for enjoying things they dont.