Can't wait to try this out...

in #gaming6 years ago

I only signed up a couple days ago and was approved today so I don't know how much works yet but I'm a fast learner...

I've wanted to make videos for a while but had no angle but I think I'm just going to be me while I play games. Chances are I'll do reviews and maybe some let's play stuff. I have post concussion syndrome so I've lost a significant amount of my... "gaming skill" but I never let that stop me from playing basically everything I can get my hands on.

For now I'll be recording videos on an i7 5820k (6cores @ 4.6ghz), 32 gigs of DDR4 and a RTX 2080ti ftw3 ultra. I'm not sure what if any quality limits there are here but with an external device I can capture 1080p60 @50mbps and using software I can do most games with 4k60 @ 60 mbps, both CBR for the best possible quality.

I'm planning on upgrading my system with Ryzen 2 when it launches and depending on pricing i might end up with a threadripper but we will see. Then if I buy a cheap case I can transplant my Intel system into it and use that to capture which will take the load of the gaming machine. I have an AMD 580 laying around somewhere that is plenty fast for video encoding or transcoding for streams.

Hope to see you all soon