welcome to the daily riddle #40!
We want to combine steemit.com and steam.com, so you can win one steam game everyday.
Solve the riddle and grab the random steam game code.
The (x) are letters which must be solved in the following riddle
The (0) is a number betwen 0 and 9.
Vote and resteem that we can continue the riddles
My first is in airplane but not in airline
My second is in fielder but not in fiddle
My third is in audaciously but not in acidulous
My fourth is in watermark but not in marketeer
yours @dailysteamcodes
YESSS! I finally got one!!!!
PRYW3-6M7EP-FKD6I >>> Agent Awesome
Nice lol I keep arriving a few minutes too late. Oh well.
just keep trying and pleae dont forget to vote that we can continue the riddles
Oh right, done :)
One day I will get one.
Congratulation finally you got luck ;-)