welcome to the daily riddle #49!
We want to combine steemit.com and steam.com, so you can win one steam game everyday.
Solve the riddle and grab the random steam game code.
The (x) are letters which must be solved in the following riddle
The (0) is a number betwen 0 and 9.
Vote and resteem that we can continue the riddles
My first is in abroad but not in ardor
My second is in hardheaded but not in reader
My third is in factious but not in acoustics
My fourth is in triennially but not in illiterately
yours @dailysteamcodes
Thank you. I got the game Insincere.
Hope you enjoy the game :-)
Thanks. Looked on the store page and it looks interesting. Should be fun.
You have to put the code into Steam, not on here. You fill in the x's with the letters and the 0 with the numbers and hopefully get in first. I got it this time, but they do this every day so if you see it quickly again next time go into steam and to games up the top and to activate a product on steam and put the full code (not just the bit we are guessing) into there. If you get it right and you're the first person to get it (and you don't already have the game), you'll get the game.
Thank you :)