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RE: I wonder are there any Hearthstone fan in here?

in #gaming7 years ago

This is literally the only iPhone game I ever play. Look for me—dbooster on the USA server. My favorite expansion was either league of explorers or old gods. Both were very balanced and introduced some great cards. I like the basic idea of the latest expansion—and the single play adventure rocked—but it is seriously unbalanced and not as much fun as those top ones.

Fav class... I dunno... I like them all. Druid I guess. Tho NOT now. He is way too powerful/unbalanced in the latest expansion, so I am not playing with him now. With this expansion I am playing Rogue the most.

Fav legendary... Sylvanas was always a great one. Before the current expansion, I played Aya Blackpaw a lot. Kel'Thuzad was so much fun to play back in the day. Perhaps Lord Jaraxxus is my favorite. It takes a good hand to pull him off, but he is a great card to play when you can.


Thank you @dbooster I will add you we can play together some time. Thank for coming and participant and supported me.

Please do. I'd love to play you :)