Apex Legends Highlight: Mayor of the Mastiff

in #gaming5 years ago

You turbo virgin pussies might have been wondering where I've been for the past, like, almost 2 weeks. Well, I was pretty much a dilapidated corpse huffing Raid spray out of a sock to try and end my misery. In other words, I was dealing with some medical issues that were causing me severe pain and making me feel pretty yucky overall. However, I'm recovering right now and finally started to feel a bit better over the past 2 days. So, I figured it's probably time I stop laying around weeping about how I wish I could twist my nipples and get a post out. So, you're in luck. Because, baby, I've got some low effort content for you to consume! Oh yeah, I've got some high octane action for you in this highlight clip of me showing just why I'm now called the Mayor of the Mastiff. 

But, yeah, enjoy the clip or some shit. I dunno. I'll have some more content out soon when I feel more close to 100 percent. Later, doods. 


Sorry to hear you've been under the weather, you big Buff-o-saurus Rex, but I'm also happy to see your rectal revivalism wandering into the big ol' butt-pasture that is Steemit. Enjoy my upvote.

Appreciate it, dood <3

Sweet kills my guy! I've only had the Mastiff a few times and been playing peacekeeper all the time so that when I do get it I'll be ready to blow some heads off!

Oops wrong account :D


so is that shotgun looking thing like the most badass gun in the game or something? You seem to quite easily dispatch enemies at close range with it.

As far as close range guns go, it does the most damage for sure. I think if you land a full shot package headshot with it it does like 250 damage which is way more than needed to down someone. It's called the Mastiff, you can only get them out of supply drops that come down a few times each game. Though typically it's harder to find over the other gold guns which are a sniper and a light machine gun.

Definitely one of my favorites, though it can totally fuck you sometimes.