It's that time again. The time where I show off just how much big dick energy I really have, via video games. Clearly, true gamers are the superior race, and this video is all you need to know that. Or, it's just a highlight of a close call where I pulled through and smacked my nuts straight onto some god damn butts. I'll let you all decide.
seguro para muchos de nosotros que no somos muy buenos con los videojuegos.
Desliza mi serpiente por todo tu cuerpo niña. Chúpalo, chúpalo seco.
Nice job. :)
Just wondering, is it often several squads left when the circle is that small on console? Something similar have happened to me like, twice so far. It's often two squads remaining, tops.
Actually, yes it is. I would say probably 40-50 percent of the games we play there are multiple squads left alive when the circle is either at the 2nd to last or the last.
Damn, that's insane. I wonder why it's such a difference between console and PC...?