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RE: Pushing the Original Xbox to its Absolute Limit!

in #gaming7 years ago

Ah, man. I really miss my original Xbox, I have no idea what actually ended up happening to it. You're right about there being no end to excellent titles for this beast. I spent so much time on Morrowind, Halo, Halo 2, Doom 3, KOTOR, Psychonauts, Destroy All Humans, Fable, Fatal Frame, Red Dead Revolver. Christ, I can't actually believe how many fucking games I played on this console back when I was a kid.

I'm kinda mad you made this post now, because it's making me miss my Xbox a lot now, lol. There were just so many great games I'd like to go back and play without having to work about compatibility issues with my PC or having to use an emulator. There's also quite a few hilariously terrible games I'd love to run through again as well, like Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddlers Green. Reading this made me think of when I was playing that and how god awful the writing and mechanics were for that.

Anyways, enough of my ramblings. Good write up, bro! Looking forward to the next one :)


"Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddlers Green"

I had the misfortune to play this as well. The zombies don't die from a single headshot. How did they fuck up something that simple and integral to any zombie fps?

Hahaha. Who fucking knows, man. There was so much wrong with that game, it felt like a kid my age at the time was the one who designed it. The voice acting, cutscenes, and dialogue were also atrocious. I started cracking up when he's trying to call someone when the power is out, then looks out the window at a guy just standing on his farm with a Hawaiian shirt on and his response is something like "I DIDN'T TRUST HIM, SOMETHING JUST WASN'T RIGHT ABOUT EM!"