Sharing some of my favorite hate mail messages from Playstation 4.

in #gaming7 years ago

Thought I'd do something more fun for a post, and share some of the best hate mail messages that I've received over the past few months. I picked 3 of the more recent ones to share with you guys, with most of them coming from people I pissed off on Fortnite while I was playing. One of the messages was from a game of Battlefield 1, but I'll get into the backstory on each message as we go along them. So, lets have a quick laugh at some of the ridiculous shit I've received on PSN! I'm sure you'll be able to tell, but I've censored all of the information for everyones privacy, though I doubt any of you would go harass these people regardless. 

Lets start off with the most recent and most normal one! 

I received this one a few weeks ago after I killed this guy along with 2 of his friends in a 1v3 situation on Fortnite. Probably the most lax/chill hate mail message I've received in a long time, and unlike the other people you'll see in this thread he didn't keep it going for an extended period of time and was quite simple about it. It gave me a tiny chuckle, and figured I might as well throw it in here. 

This next one is a real treat, however. 

Here is part one of his message, though it obviously couldn't have stopped here with how mad this guy was. I stopped in a bush for about 15 seconds probably so I could reply to a text I had on my phone. I started hearing someone running near me so I put my phone down and looked up and saw him about 20 feet away from me, so I came out of the bush and promptly killed him and then finished sending my text and moved on. Clearly, he couldn't accept this.

As you can tell, this man was truly salty and couldn't let this go, even when I was just being up front and not aggressive back to him. 

As you can also probably tell, it doesn't really seem like the guy is too good at trash talking/shit talking, and is only good at being salty. This one was one of the more amusing messages I got, and I was giggling about his dumb messages over the 40 minutes they occurred. But, don't worry. I've saved the best trash talking message for last, something that was truly special. 

I received this wonderful message while playing a game of Battlefield 1, after killing this guy ONE time with a shotgun and never seeing him the entire rest of the game. I could feel the salty rage coming through the screen with this one. Again, I don't know how/why people get so mad so easily on games these days. I can't say I've ever messaged someone to bitch at them over a game, though I have sent weird messages to people as a joke from time to time. 

Something you might notice is that this man continued to send me messages for over 8 god damn hours. Seriously, I can see someone being mad in the moment at something on a video game. But, come on. 8 hours later and you were still stewing over it and pissed off enough to try and send me shit talking messages? Someone must have some anger issues. I can only say I wonder if this man is still out there to this day, calling people a pussy for daring to kill him a single time inside of a video game. The world may never know...

Anyways, I hope you got a kick out of this random post. I felt like doing something really random, and thought it would be fun to share some of these silly conversations. Maybe in the future if I continue to get some goofy hate mail messages I'll make another post showing a few of the really good ones. 


Lololol. I love talking crap on games. Even more so when someone is salty

Oh, it's fucking fun. I honestly wish I would get more hate mail more often so I could make this into a small mini series or something, lol.

Dude. Playing pokemon showdown theres a built in chat. Its the best thing ever. Competitive pokemon battles AND talking smack

Hahaha, seriously? I might have to look into playing that then, because really, you get the best of both worlds there :D

Remember being able to talk to nearby opponents in Halo 2? Or while snapping a mercenary's neck in Splinter Cell Pandora's Tomorrow multiplayer? Boy oh boy... the sentiments expressed in those convos :) Miss that...

Yeah, having party chat as an option has really taken away those kinds of interactions. Kinda makes me a bit sad, lol.

Haha! What on earth is going through this guys head!

I think it's like cars, people seem to get more angry behind the wheel and behind their tv/pc screen.

Definitely do more of these if you get more hate mail! Makes for a pretty funny read!

This Is absolute genius 😃 I've had so much hate mail on PSN over the years, It'd be great to keep them and do this. Isn't It funny when people get salty over losing and do everything possible to blame you.

I like the way you handle the 'Bush' Incident 😃 I mean how else to you send a text 😂

I would definitely be Interested In reading some more of these hatemail posts If you decide to do more In the future pal.