I think you have strong arguments supporting your point! And, as a casual gamer myself I agree with you.
I think there are people who believe playing games is always something addicted that forbids you from having a normal life, which is obviously not the same for the majority of the gamers.
There are of course, people who really end up being addicted, which is bad, but this is almost never the case.
So by not accepting the fact that healthy and balanced gaming can exists, they came to the wrong conclusion and make generalization about this subject. But it’s just caused by a lack of information, and a lack of experience playing games.
And k wanted to tell you again that I really like you make post with perfect arguments 👌
Which are the games you are playing right now?
I am just beginning the story of my empire in civilization VI hehe, but I want to eventually add more games that can run nicely on a 1050 4gb (I use to play on a X360 but the poor fellow is too old now haha)
Thanks I truly appreciate your support:) I’m all arguments whenever I communicate :D.
Yes addicted people are regular part of any community. I believe in a theory that predisposition for addiction is also part of the gene. That is why war on drugs doesn’t work. Basically those with the affinity to addiction will always find a way how to consume the thing, whatever it is. Addiction to PC games is thus just an ordinary addiction. It’s futile to blame the games. If you are parent all you can do is either to blame the other parent or your ancestors for "passing on the gene"...but then again can you blame your gene for passing on itself (it is the reason why you are alive after all:D)? The only constructive way is to pass on the strategy that has worked for either the ancestors or for you how to overcome at least partly the affinity to addictions.
And about the games...Check out my Highly subjective game reviews series. So far I’ve reviewed 6 games. If you won’t like any of them or when you finish them feel free to ask...I can recommend good games till the end of your life time I guess:DD.