My First Giveaway: A Hat In Time

in #gaming7 years ago

As it says in the video (and the title, I guess >.>), I'm giving away a copy of A Hat In Time for PC and Mac ^^

If you're interested, you have until March 11th at Midnight PST (3am EST) to get as many entries as you care to get. You can enter here:

If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments and I'll get to them as soon as possible! Either here, YouTube, or anywhere you want to get a hold of me ^^

Good luck to the participants, and here's to hoping I remember to post to Steemit T_T

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I want it... But i don't really understand about it. ..please tell me more

A Hat In Time is a platform game, made in homage to games like Banjo & Kazooie, Super Mario Sunshine, and Paper Mario. You play as a little girl who is simply trying to get home (where that is, nobody knows!) in her space ship. She's stopped by the local Mafia, and ends up losing all her fuel.

This little girl, literally named Hat Kid, has to go to different areas on a nearby planet to find her fuel (hourglasses called "Time Pieces"), and get home.

Or were you talking about the giveaway, and not the game? o.O

No, I play game sometimes, so I don't really understand.. Lol
But that is look like great... Good job and good luck 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍