Human Social Group Game Engine / Simulator, Scenario Possibilities

in #gaming7 years ago

((0)) Let us explore the huge wide range of various scenarios that can and could be experienced within my Human Social Group Game Engine / Simulator.
Envisioning my Game Engine possibilities(19).jpg

((1)) Note, considering each scenario can both coexist and continue onwards for as long as desired, or those involved are capable of. Concerning which rules are active or disabled, you’ll have to use the preferences menu to determine that. Also keep in mind, every person is accounted for and alive in this virtual world.
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((2)) Zombie Outbreak

  • Play as either the infected humans or the survivor humans.
    watch, first hand, how a zombie outbreak occurs as it flows from person to person. While everyone tries to live out their daily lives, and not pay attention to the obvious unfolding despair. Though can it be stopped or will it overwhelm the world, region by region?
    there could be several outbreaks in different regions, could make things tricky. Especially if each infection mutated differently, as in causing their hosts to behave uniquely than other infected populations. How far will the infectious virus, or bacteria, or life form, will mutate? Guess that depends on the rules activated
  • Yes, this is the classic fictional zombie outbreak survival scenario, a dream experience for most. Except for one major game play mechanic aspect, the number of infected zombies and surviving humans are fully accounted for, every man, woman, and child. As further explained below….
    ---Note: Reminder, all AI characters in the game have the same choices as the player’s chosen character in the game world. Meaning, there is no random spawning numbers that’ll fluctuate for entertainments sake. This means that all the zombies and survivors will make their moves every 24 hours, every day, for the entire year, until death.

((3)) Alien Life form Invasion
when a non-earth entity invades earth, can you halt them.... would it be wise to fight or submit?
if playing as a non-earth creature invading, directly or secretly, what would you do first?

((4)) Civil War and or Revolution
watch how these types social situations fester into existence, forming history as we know it
whether within a Group or Country, inner fighting can be very chaotic. Which side will you choose to ally with and fight against? Since not choosing might brand you a traitor by default
can you survive them, by remaining or will you flee

  • Any person, group, can bring about infighting in any country.

((5)) Genetic Shifts through forced Mutation, if not eventual Evolution
you can force changes in genetics of other life forms or let nature takes its course
doesn't mean you can't guide, or be guided, the natural evolution of chosen human genetic bloodlines

  • Nothing stays the same, sometimes more abrupt than slow and steady, when concerning genetic functionality. In humans, plus also all other life forms, as the world carries on.

((6)) Apocalyptic World
after a prosperous developed country falls from grace into ruin
when a group falls, a country falls, or even country alliance agreements. Everything can fall into a chaotic despair
either by the means of

  • Overpopulation
  • Warfare
  • Resource Exhaustion

((7)) Test Any Possible Political Theory, Economic Theory, and Ideological Theory
[Political Theories]

  • Government Levels
  • Powers for each Government Level
  • Voting System(s)
  • Taxes system and Welfare system
  • Libertarian or Authoritarian policy
  • Civil Servant Requirements
  • Civil Tasks to each Society Sector (Businesses, Workers, Ideology, Enforcers, Research, and Information)
  • Civil Tasks society responsibilities granted to which Civil Servant Committee(s) (I believe they call this separation of powers)
  • Committee Size(s)
  • Citizenship Levels ranks or classes
  • Treatment Policies age, race, nationality, mentality, skill, etc
  • Political Tolerance rival ideologies, political competitors, etc
  • How to Change Citizenship Level
  • Citizenship Level(s) Behavioral Freedom in their Public, Private, Personal degrees of freedom
  • ...etc...

[Economic Theories]

  • Economy Ownership (State vs. Private) Nationalized Companies and Private Companies
  • Economy Service System (Planned vs. Market) Nationalized Planning and Private Planning
  • Objects and Services Allowed (Illegal vs. Legal) Legal Marketplace and Illegal Marketplace [State Implemented Services, Allowed Services, and or Banned Services]
  • Regulations
  • Quality Standards
  • Wages
  • Workers Rights vs. Businesses rights
  • The Peoples Rights vs. Service Providers Rights
  • ...etc...

[Ideological Theories (how to live) (culture) (civil rights)]

  • Valued, Forbidden, and Ignored behaviors, services, including objects

((8)) Become a .....

  • Thief, senator, noble, underling, mercenary, criminal, plus celebrity, detective, fortune teller, garbage collector, construction worker, trucker, escort, bodyguard, scientist, singer, musician, shop keeper, gave keeper, doctor, spiritual healer, teacher, dancer, power plant attendant, lawyer, judge, border checker, inventor, speaker, repairer, temp, comedian, nurse, general, soldier, pilot, pimp, tv host, news reporter, second hand store owner, chef, bartender, stock broker, merchant, spy, surgeon, carpenter, trainer, professor, animal caretaker, small business owner, plumber, manager, farmer, etc.
  • Behave as a saint, lover, rogue, loner, parent, collectivist, ordinary, cutthroat, or possibly even a psychopath.
  • Experience a wide variety of mental and physical functions, such as depression, split personality, ptsd, old age, cancer, worn out limbs, etc.

((9)) Religion of the Gods and Faith
become god or a demi-god
devote yourself to a faith or demi-god
become a disciple under an ideology or god
as a follower, how far will you go to ensure your faith
spread a particular devotion to a way of life to unbelievers
a direct servant under your chosen god or demi-god
--- Note: Reminder, all the people in the this virtual world are alive, just as your character is. Managed by AI, each person has different Ideological beliefs about how to live in life. Though are entirely structured around human social groups, soooo, what people show publicly, might not be who they are privately, and personally.
they might not humor outsiders spewing the wrong thoughts around their region

((10)) Society Challenges (organization challenges)

  • Establishing a Society and Maintaining a Society, are two different things. Can you do it?
    this applies to different groups, organizations, you may be apart of or even created
  • How long can your society, group, organization survive?
    what will you do to ensure it passed the test of time?

((11)) Microscopic Organisms
Immune System Mechanics, Plague, and or Biological Weapons
Parasite, Disease, Fungi, and Virus outbreaks

  • Watch the detailed affects they’ll have on a populated area.
    Can you avoid getting infected? Will you run, hide, kill, unite, continue normal life?
    if you're a carrier, infecting others, what would you do?
    what would you do to someone else if they are a carrier?
  • If you're a part of the Government, thus have the responsibility to handle the outbreak. What policies would you enact to control the infection from spreading any further?
    …dependent on the government type of the society in question, it‘ll be different
    --- Note: Since every AI person is accounted for and there aren’t any random spawns. The population for the region is set in stone. Slowly building up, at least if they’re Human on the Genetic Chart of mine, every person is alive, so be wary.
    panic in a crowd usually doesn‘t end well

((12)) People who have Superior Abilities
Mutants, Freaks, Supernatural, Psychics, inhuman abilities, yet are in the realms of possibility

  • Become a Superhero or Super villain or Rogue, as in a person does as they see fit.
    have statues and crowds humbling under you or remain a hidden in the shadows or do your own thing
    forge a league of heroes or villains or even rogues
    become influential or remain a mythological rumor to the region you visit, or you league visits
    careful, if you've allowed this to occur the game you're in. You must run into one of them, and.... realize who is the boss. Depending on that person's personality, ambitions, and morality

((13)) Warfare Methods
grand strategy includes more than one method to fight and more than one place to stand

  • While standing inside a…
    group, organization, your own country, within another country, through others
  • Use the methods of…
    military sway, information sway, economic sway, political sway, ideological sway, research sway, workers sway
  • Most importantly, when your country is invaded and conquered….the game doesn’t end.
    if you‘re enslaved, imprisoned, or in a coma, the game doesn‘t end
    you have to live in the world that has changed, that is if you can survive
    will you make a new life for yourself under the invaders or risk everything to rebel against the invaders?
    the game ends, depending on the active options as the virtual world is forged, death usually ends the game

((14)) Any Group / Organization Dealings

  • Business and or Criminal, there is very thin line separating them.
    commit any act you desire, either as in individual or group, why not both
    every act has consequences and rewards, if no one was affected or witnessed such acts
  • Develop openly or secretly, state or private copyright, agree or deceive, obtain your reputation or take another’s, make your brand widely known or remain widely whispered, spread prosperity or terror, remain honorable or sabotage, use force or quietly spy, manipulate another group into an expendable pawn or an grateful ally, intimidate or discuss, gift or bribe, talk or threaten, honesty or slander, murder or protect, responsible or scapegoat, employ or enslave, fairness or cutthroat, conspire plots or grant open debate, support the government or rebels, branch out to other locations through takeovers or willing sympathizers, secretly fund legal or illegal operations, etc.
  • Hierarchy structure, behavioral liberty, jobs, etc. Sort them out as the leader or accept them as a member within said organization. If not, join the rising faction within said group to change how things work around there.

((15)) Modify the Planetary Life form Ecosystem

  • Regional Insects, Plants, Animals, Microscopic Organisms, and the animals that call themselves Humans fill the biological ecosystem.
    human city industry produces pollution and waste, that‘ll change the ecosystem, keep an eye on the amount of destruction or effects will be deadly devastating
    human population growth will be limited, or it will fold in on itself until certain tools, techniques, society coordination, knowledge, and technology is reached
    invasive species from any of the bio life placed in another region might cause problems, taking long periods of time to settle down
    careful the changes you make, they might come back to bite you

((16)) Cops and Robbers
have you ever wanted a true experience of running, or chasing, through a living world for a person(s)
the most realistic living world to chase or be chased within, since every person is an active AI, going about their business. They could be friend, foe, or a neutral all together

  • Running from the police, detectives, authority enforcers of either a regional or even country police agency as a criminal or most wanted criminal.
  • Chasing down a criminal, or most wanted criminal as a police officer, detective, or even as a Authority Enforcer.

((17)) Technology
anything that is artificially possible, being forged as a tool

  • machines, robots, cybernetics, micro machines, satellites, various power sources, cyber enhancements onto biological body
    play through the role as a cybernetic machine, robot, android instead of a human
  • If you do play as a full metal machine, be careful, since if you start acting outside of your programming. What would they do?
    decommission, reprogramming, quarantine in case of an infection, a visit to the recycling plant, immediate extermination, scapping…

((18)) Unusual Entity(s) Clans
any creature you can think of...

  • Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Centaurs, Chimeras, Griffins, Mermaids, Sphinxs, Unicorns, Fairies, Spirits, Ghosts, Zombies, Aliens, Giants, Dinosaurs, etc...
    entirely dependent on my Genetic Chart, granting all possible genetic life forms
    careful, because their natural urges to sustain themselves are different than humans. Some are much more varied in degrees than others. Including their personal abilities... If you wanted to play as one of them or come in contact with them within the game world
  • Plus Magic Users, Wizards, Witches, Summoners, Nercomancers, etc…
    these might seem misplaced, yet can be explained through mathematical calculations, in how they function in reality
  • Philosophically, would you accept a human as a human that could give birth to 40 humans per pregnancy? A human that is 2 inches tall? A human that can float? A human that can other humans can live in?
    questions, questions, sooo will they be rejected or accepted as human by humanity?

((19)) Outer Space Exploration
planet colonization
one can only imagine what could be waiting for humanity on earth

((20)) Modify the Planetary Environment
use devices to change the weather systems on the planet
artificially forge resources; from elements, life forms, etc
the geographical landscape, on the surface, under the water, in the ground, air, etc

Envisioning my Game Engine possibilities(19).jpg
((21)) There you have it, so is my Human Social Group Game Engine / Simulator‘s, "J.A.C.I.M.", worthy to support, overwhelmingly complex, impossible, a welcoming needed adventure into the industry, or merely improbable to formulate?
So what are your thoughts?