An Introduction

in #gaming9 years ago

Gaming has always been something I have been interested in since as long as I can remember, I have always loved videos games whether it be a first person shooter, third person, platform or strategy any game I can get my hands on I will give it a go. My first experiences with gaming was platform games and my favourites where crash bandicoot Rayman and Spyro which I still think are some of the best games I have played to date, I’m not sure whether it’s just the nostalgia or the actual game but I’m sure if you have played them you will understand my love for them. Something I have always missed since playing is the simplicity of them in the sense that it’s not about graphics, frame rate or something like that it is just purely about fun factor which makes the games have so much replicability along with going back through and trying to 100% the games and I will always remember playing with a group of my friends all trying to get the best times with the most amount of points.

The industry and debates:
Skipping to a few years back I did a short placement at a game testing company where we tested all manner of games on most platforms, working in industry showed me gaming from a different angle and gave me a new appreciation for a wider range of games. Through talking to my colleagues they suggest I should try a few PC games, as I didn’t play many at the time, so I did and I was amazed to find out what I was missing out on. They were mostly a part of the “PC master race” which made them go on about how PC is superior in every way. This made me ponder the question of what is really better for gaming, a PC or Console. This has been a long standing debate with no real clear winner other than personal preference, to not go into too much detail on my opinion; I don’t think one is truly better than the other but have decided that you need to go by game rather than look at it as a hole.

On this page I plan to wright about a wide range of things but to start with I’m working on an a few blogs that will cover all things gaming from the games and reviews to debates in the community. I also have a few outlines of blogs to do with the cryptocommunity and my thoughts on it all.

                   .Comments and feedback are always welcome.

Crash Bandicoot and Rayman were and are still some of my favorite past time games to play. Those were some of the first games I introduced my youngest brother to when he reached an age to understand the mechanics of the controllers and how they related to the images/characters on screen. Now I am introducing my nephews to the lovely world of gaming.

My brother introduced me to the games back in the day and i have always enjoyed sharing them with new people.