@cryptokrieg what's up man! I will have more pictures of the game today! I will start working on some bunkers and some hills soon! Thanks. We are constantly evolving the board. So far we don't have any tyranid players in the basment but I have played them elsewhere! 8th edition is interesting..
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Nice, i myself have always been Blood angels, stacking rolls into death company, so open fields are great for me, i have a mate that plays tyranids and open ground is a nightmare trying to fight them at least it was in 6th edition when a carnifex could take out an entire legion if positioned right haha.
Good progressman, i'll be watching it for sure!
I remember how op the carnifex was!!! I started in 5th.. now the carnifex has like crazy amount of wounds like 15 prolly lol
It was ridiculous man haha