The Tank that was Never First

in #gaming3 years ago

Welcome to my blog. This is an entry for the contest of Splinterlands that you can check when you click this link below:


Mycelic Slipspawn was first found on the edges of the swamps of Praetoria, in areas where the fetid waters meet with the forests and jungles. It is highly toxic and grows to a substantial size. Death is uncommon for those who touch its fibrous body however, the side effects of its toxins can cause a long list of illnesses and disease, leaving its victims severely debilitated.
When the chaos portal opened and the creeping plague infected the land, the Slipspawn struggled to endure, being completely intolerant to the deadly pandemic. But then Queen Mycelia came, she touched the Slipspawn as she passed it by and it drank from her power, an enduring energy that ran deep and defiantly cast the pestilence of the chaos taint aside. The Slipspawn pulled its roots free from the ground and eagerly danced across the leafy forest floor after her, desperate to follow its saviour and stand by her in the times to come.

The small fort was impregnable. In fact, from recollection, Ursca couldn’t remember the last time it had even been attacked, which did beg the question as to why it was there. Apparently the Realm of Silence was nearby, tunnels dug beneath the ground by rat-like creatures, but he didn’t believe any of that, it was all just an excuse to keep them penned up in the uncomfortable old garrison.
A shout snatched his attention away from the mundane task of chopping firewood and he looked up to the wall where one of the guards was waving vigorously.
“Bowmen, we need bowmen up here now!” the man cried.
Ursca forgot what he was doing, dropping the axe and running to the wall, excitement at what was on the other side dispelling any hint of alarm or panic. When he reached the palisade and looked over, he was met with the strangest of sights. It appeared the forest had sprouted legs and was shambling towards them, led by a peculiarly dressed woman and a shuffling…was that some kind of mushroom? As they neared though he could see it wasn’t a woman at all, more like some sort of infected witch, and the other thing was white and rubbery looking with fiery hair, bright eyes and a white lattice work that blossomed out behind it.
Moss and rotten spores began to appear across the wood stockade, creeping up the wall, prompting Ursca to edge away. Some of the guards fired arrows at the approaching throng but they all turned in the air at the last moment, striking the white fungus creature at the front. None of it caused any damage though and the rotting horde continued, inexplicably on. He wanted to turn and run away but his limbs felt suddenly leaden, the energy sapped from his body. Then a guard screamed and Ursca looked along the wall. He watched in horror as the fungal spores reached the poor man, quickly absorbing the life from his body and turning him into a rotting husk within seconds.
Closing his eyes, Ursca dropped to the ground and began to sob.

Should I Buy or Rent?

This is the price of the card as of this writing.

Mycelic Slipspawn is around half a dollar right now and is really affordable. Leveling up the card provides you with higher health and speed which increases this card's survivability. Speed, health and armor may be the best three to improve on this card and two of three are being improved as you level him up. That is not to include the new abilities that you would get along the way.

This is the rental price of the card as of this writing.

This card's rental is at its lowest right now being a free to play card as of this moment. Renting a lower leveled one doesn't make sense though as you can play a free Mycelic Slipspawn without implications. If you're renting one, better rent a higher leveled ones than a level one that you can play for free.

Card Stats and Abilities


Mycelic Slipspawn is a good example of an offtank. He can hit from positions other than the first while taking all the aggression from the opponent. He drags all the attacks to himself keeping everyone safe while providing damage with his magic.

Taunt || All enemy Monsters target this Monster (if they are able to).
Taunt is a tank's dream. It redirects all the attack to you to keep everyone safe or at least buy time. Taunt on Mycelic Slipspawn is quite good as you can him to alleviate the damage to your main tank and not allow your back line to be breached while you deal damage to everyone.

Forcefield || This Monster takes only 1 damage from attacks with power 5+.
This combo is what makes Mycelic Slipspawn amazing. He gets to redirect all the damage to him and change all the damage that is more than 5 to 1. This means that on higher league, if you opponent focuses on increasing their damage, this would bite back as he is saved instead.

Slow || Reduces the Speed of all enemy Monsters.
The speed decrease doesn't only benefit you on who attacks first but increases the chance your opponents may miss on their attacks. The higher the chance to miss, the lower the chance of Mycelic Slipspawn dying.

Battle Review


The team I made for this battle is composed of Failed Summoner as a blocker, Mycelic Slipspawn as my main tank, Goblin Psychic as my healer and Khmer Princess as extra damage.

You can find the full battle here:

Round 1

Round 1 end.jpg

Mycelic Slipspawn acted as normal and redirected the damage to him while we're inflicting damage to my opponent's main tank.

Round 2

round 2 end.jpg

Round 2 was a disaster for everyone. With the death of both tanks, it's a free for all for everyone and just a race of time. Mycelic Slipspawn and Failed Summoner dies. Shieldbearer, Gargoya Scrapper, Herbalist all dies as well. The only advantage on my part is I am using magic damage and they are allowed to attack on the first position compared to my opponent's range units that are not allowed to do the same.

Round 3

round 3 end.jpg

With the advantage of being able to attack on the first position, I took the victory with this game with a win.

Game photos from this blog came from Splinterlands game in my account.
Dividers and other designs are made in photoshop.

All rights reserved to their own proper owners.

About me:

ejcantong2022 is a 3rd year Information Technology Student aspiring to be an online web designer and journalist. Discovering Splinterlands and Peakd is a dream as I can do both of my favorite things while I practice for my future endeavors.


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Thanks for sharing! - @marianaemilia

Nice! Keep Going!