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RE: Games You Should Like (as much as I do): Everquest (Comedy Open Mic Round #23)

in #gaming7 years ago

Interesting how our own two experiences are quite different. I never minded the content loop of things. I was in the number one raiding guild on my server. My friends and I where all decked out in the best gear anyone had. When we farmed for xp it was just not from a single camp we pulled a few.

The fun of it was when someone salty would come in and train us with just a bunch of monsters. We just laugh at them in chat and kill it all. I could kite a train and still heal my tank and dps that was going ham and pulling attention.

I also played when I was a kid so a three day weekend off school was that many days trying camp the best spot in a zone and everyone getting angry those "darn kids" where still there lol.

That to me was my joy in that game. Team work and striving to be the best. It was just not good enough to get a server first kill. I wanted more.