I've heard Archeage offered pretty much nothing to solo players, is that true?
ESO is pretty good. Certainly the one closes to DDO for me. Never played SWTOR but heard good stuff about it too. Although it seems like PvP over there is completely pointless?
Hopefully the upcoming WoW classic does save it for me. No expansions, no quality of life... Remember those good old fashioned walks up to Meeting Stones? Yep. :)
I'm not sure about the state of Archeage these days but I played it solo. I don't recall how far I got, though. :) Definitely not far enough to have my own boat which was supposed to be a good part of that game. The labour points really killed it for me. I only lasted a couple of weeks, and then felt bitter about what could've been a fantastic game.
I love SWTOR pvp! :D Although there are far more Empire players than Republic. I also favour the Empire. ;) A lot of the battlegrounds turn into "war-games" between teams of the same faction because of the population disparity, which made it a bit hard for me because everyone knew I was a healer.
In earlier days you would be rewarded with gear and crystals. I spent a lot of time getting pvp points so I could have the Gladiator title and many Imperial flag furnishings for my home, and a white crystal for my lightsaber. It was also great how at the end of the battles you could vote for someone who did a lot of the work in the match and they'd get extra points. Not too sure about the state of it these days because all of the oceanic servers are gone so my 30ms ping has turned into 300ms. So painful.
In ESO however, I don't even notice the high ping. Love the pvp in that too, despite the accusations of it being a horse-riding simulator. ;) But I'm more a farm all the things - make all the gold! type of person in that game.
I am somewhat tempted to return to WoW classic! But at the same time, I don't want to be obsessed with that again haha. Four years clean! Walking, though. Walking! I loved walking everywhere when I first played. Exploring everything. Not merely jumping atop a dragon and zooming from place to place, not caring about what I was doing.
If ESO ever gets flying mounts, I will wither into an anti-MMO ball of regret.
Ouch... Does it hurt you in "dungeons" as well? Instanced content.
We really invested ourselves into everything we did. We met people along the way somtimes. It was fantastic...
I've barely played it. I should give it another try.