Bought Zelda as well but did not have the chance to play it yet.
How you like Splatoon 2?
I am looking to get Skyrim and the Telltale Batman Game probably, too.
Love it so far :-) Best buy I made in ages.
Mario Kart is a ton of fun as always (mostly)
Oh, man, Splatoon 2 is fun, too! I've seen a couple of bugs, though (one time this happened: on a match's loading screen it said ''Waiting for more players...'' when the list was full and when the timer showed 00, everyone got kicked out). And even though it sometimes makes me rage and call people hackers whenever I get kicked or my team loses by a big % (because one of four of us was ''AFK''), I still love it, haha!
sounds like heaven in hell.
why so, what's your problem
attracted to the gem, can make a person lose all sense, but if too many perk geminkan, will also a lot of time wasted