I feel the entire identity politics thing about this game is manufactured by the very people complaining about it.
It is simply a product of the current environment.
Medal Of Honor put a woman on the cover art way in the distant past. Not even a blink of an eye back then. Now, because it is perceived as some sort of agenda driven leftist push, the outrage button is mashed.
It is pretty much as simple as that. If the audience see a woman, someone of colour, in a mainstream game, it must be because of pesky liberals and must be fought. Because they are the other side. As I say, this sort of thing used to just happen in games in the past and nobody even blinked.
What nobody seems to notice is that makes you stand on the side of some pretty weird arguments to do so, but they do through social compliance. They’re drilled into doing this now.
The best thing that can be done is that the devs and publishers just turn a blind eye and push on regardless. They’re not doing anything wrong, why on earth should they suddenly be held accountable?
There is a bit of a difference though in some games, Wolfenstein 2 is a great example of a pretty insidious leftist agenda completely ruining a game, however in this case it's just a reveal trailer of a certain part of the game that doesn't really have anything to do with the game itself, that's more what I'm aiming at is that by consistently forcing this onto people even the mere sight of a woman in a video game pisses people off.
I’ll go check out what has gone on with Wolfenstein II, I’m out of the loop on that one.