Nice! i'm gonna have to check out Garry's mod never played it before. My favorite game of all time it's a tough one but i think Turok for N64 is my favorite all time.
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Nice! i'm gonna have to check out Garry's mod never played it before. My favorite game of all time it's a tough one but i think Turok for N64 is my favorite all time.
yeah definitely! you'll enjoy it :D
and dope, i never played that one, but i played turok 2 seeds of evil on gameboy color :)
oh now were going back in the day again haha. I had a regular grey gameboy i used to play mortal kombat all day long so many good memories = )
Played Turok 2 but i remember the first one better it was a really unique game and it pretty much blew my mind. My friends still to this day ask me about it haha...that good.
Awe man same xD i had one of those original big ass grey gameboys, i mostly played motocross maniacs. them, loopty loops were so therapeutic for some reason lol.
you're making the original turok sound enticing haha, ima look up gameplay of it on youtube tonight ^-^
here ya go lol, im checking out Garrys Mod rite now
haha this makes turok 2 on gameboy look like crap xD awesome tho ^-^