The first details about the gameplay of Cyberpunk 2077, from CD Projekt RED, emerged. What stands out most is that, unlike The Witcher 3, this game will be a first person RPG. The news came during a gameplay demo that was shown behind closed doors during E3 2018.
- CD Projekt describes the game as a "first-person RPG."
- Gameplay is in first a first-person perspective, third-person during cutscenes.
- You play a character named V (as in the letter).
- V can be a man or a woman.
- The stats you pick at the start include Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Reflexes, Tech, and Cool.
- These stats are all pulled from the original tabletop RPG.
- There are no classes at the start. Instead, you evolve the class you want to be as you play instead of picking a role.
- Your apartment is a set place that fills with all of the clothes and weapons you get, though you don't have to go there to swap.
- You'll be able to get more and different apartments throughout the game.
- You can drive cars in the game, and seemingly toggle between first and third person during this.
- While driving in first-person, the U.I. appears diegetically on the windshield.
- You can engage in combat while driving -- AI took over steering as you lean out the window and shoot at enemies.
- CD Projekt also described Cyberpunk as a "mature experience intended for mature audiences."
- The goal is for you to not only engage with the game world, but with its inhabitants.
- Like Witcher, you take missions from NPCs and have dialogue options in conversations.
- It's an open world that you open up more with "street cred." For example, a specific jacket might raise it by 5%, allowing you access to new places.
- Completing a quest levels up your street cred.
- The UI in the demo is extremely minimal at -- just a light compass and a small quest log.
- UI expands during combat -- enemies have names, health bars, and what appear to be levels.
- Some enemies have question marks instead of levels, possibly meaning they're much higher level than you.
- Damage numbers pop up during combat.
- There's a bullet-time-like ability that allows you to slow down time.
- CD Projekt keeps emphasizing that choices have consequences, in the moment and to the world at large.
- Obstacles have several solutions depending on your skills. For example, V got to a door, but his hacking skill was too low. However, his engineering skill was high enough, so he could open a panel and bypass the door.
- There's an inspection system lets you look super close at items and learn more about lore.
- You use an inhaler to heal.
- Gunplay feels slower than Doom or Borderlands, but faster than Fallout 4.
- CD Projekt showed off some late-game abilities, including mantis-like blade arms and wall running.
- Boss fight against a dude in an exoskeleton. This included sliding under cars and taking cover.
src: IGN
The game being a FPS might be a deal breaker but it looks awesome and im willing to give it a try, how excited are you for this game, this is what you expected, or you wanted more?
I'm fine with it being a first person shooter, honestly. If you're gonna do first person shooting, just do it well. I'm looking at you fallout 3 and 4.