Today our series of the best posts on Steemit that have something to do with gaming continues! Be sure to check all the articles out, since they are more then worth it!
Today I also have something to ask you guys: There is a poll on what games you like to play and if you guys could answer it, that would be awesome
Feel free the answer the poll I have HERE ON STRAWPOLL
Posts from @kralizec and @tygergamer will not be considered for these, because Kralizec is the one making the selections for these and Tygergamer is also a long trailee. This doesn't mean their posts aren't good, just that they will not be mentioned in these posts.
Today we start with @cheaky and his gaming support posts
- Steemit Gaming Support – June 22nd
Be sure to check his post out so you know who is being supported today!
@andrewade has an interesting post for about sterotypes about gamers
- Lies About Gamers That People Still Believe
Have you ever experienced any of these, tell us about them in the commnets!
@locikll has an article I agree 100% with about pre-ordering games
- Why we should STOP pre-ordering Games!
Do you think pre-ordering needs to die or do you think it‘s a valid practice? Discuss here!
Now it‘s time for a review by @tga1108 and he reviews Ryse: Son of Rome
- Ryse Son of Rome – Review
While it‘s not the newest game it is currently on sale on Steam so if you are thinking about picking it up, be sure to first read the review!
What are the games to look for in the year 2018 @king-crypto has a post about them
- The Top 5 Most Anticipated Games For 2018 E3 Edition
Be sure to check his out if you want to know what to look for in the next year!
Flagged. All witnesses supporting this #rewardpoolrape unapproved.
This post you mentioned:
got 0.77 $
and you rake in 209$ ?
I flagged this and I hope the Steemit community grows wise of your schemes.
Not even sharing there revenue with the people mentioned in this post? thats quite shameful .
The 10 Steps to Becoming a Pro Gamer! is plagiarism. Its a shame to include it in a list. @kamanbbg didn't even bother to edit year 2012 in article.
is it? Damn.
Do you have the original because I guessed I missed it during my research obviously.
If he bothered to update year, i wouldn't even search for it onlineSure mate, here it is :
ah I have forbes blocked at work (I really don't know why, it's just blocked)
BTW: Thanks for noticing this, because I go through like 200+ posts a day doing this I do miss stuff.
Keep up the good work guys! :)
Nice post, as a gamer myself, ill be covering a lot of things in the future. And I'll be following you now.
Thanks for the include =D