Before I even get into the post I'd like to go ahead and thank everyone whose supported me throughout my time so far on Steemit. It's been about two months and I can't believe I've reached the goal of 200 followers, a goal I've been working towards for some time now. I couldn't have done it without you guys, the Steemit community. I couldn't be more grateful and in an attempt to repay you guys, I thought I'd redo/revamp one of my very first Steemit posts. Once again, thanks to everyone whose supported me along the way and thanks to the entire community for making Steemit such a great place, I hope you guys enjoy this post!
Hey guys, it's me ggteixeira and for this special Steemit post I'll be going over the attack damage carry role in the game League of Legends. In this post we'll be going the ADC's role in a match, their capabilities, advantages, disadvantages, some tips along the way on how to better play the role before finally wrapping it all up with two descriptions on both of my favorite ADCs and their abilities. Once again, I hope you guys enjoy!
I know some of you probably already know what League of Legends but I'm certain there are tons of others out there who don't. For all of you who don't, I'll be giving a brief description on the game itself below. If you do know what League is feel free to skip ahead down below straight to the ADC's role. Also, If you feel like I've left some questions about the game unanswered, feel free to ask below and I'll answer as soon as possible.
So what is League of Legends?
"League of Legends (abbreviated LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows and macOS. The game follows a freemium model and is supported by microtransactions, and was inspired by the Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne mod, Defense of the Ancients." A perfect description of the game which I borrowed from it's own wiki page.
I'd also like to add on that League of Legends is considered a MOBA game. What does this mean? Well, it means that it's a mix between RPG and RTS genre games where you select a champion from a large pool on heroes to play controlling them as you do battle on whichever map and game-mode you pick. League has a variety of different maps and game modes, but the single most popular is it's standard 5v5 on Summoner's Rift where the objective is to through whatever means get through the enemies' defenses and destroy their nexus (base) whilst also trying to protect your own. One reason why this game-mode is so popular is because of it's only use in the League of Legends large pro competitive scene.
Before continuing on to the ADC's role I'd like to go ahead and state that if you guys have any further questions about League feel free to ask below, I'll make sure to reply as soon as possible.
What is an ADC?
The ADC, short form for attack damage carry, is exactly as the name says, a champion based on doing attack damage and well, carrying. They tend to be lower-health easier to kill champions who do a lot more damage compared to others, categorizing them as glass cannons. There are a variety of different types of ADC, though one thing they all have in common is their high damage output. Some examples of differing ADCs include auto-attack based carries like Twitch who rely on their auto-attacks to deal most their damage while other ADCs such as Varus lean towards more ability-based damage and CC to get the job done. In some rare cases, such as with the new re-worked Urgot, ADCs while doing heavy damage also be capable of taking some serious damage without dying instantly due to low health.
Because of an ADC's damage-reliant role, being an ADC is quite expensive and because of their low health, also dangerous. Due to this, almost all ADCs are sent bot-lane with a support champion sent as their companion. There they do battle with another ADC and support all the while trying to maximize farm output to scale faster harder into the late game. An ADC needs to learn and get real good at securing minions or farm. If an ADC is bad at farming, they'll easily fall behind as the game progresses losing their damage and becoming literally useless until they catch back up, something that is already very hard to do when you are behind.
Another thing an ADC needs to learn to do is kite. All ADCs are ranged champions. Kiting means using this range to attack whilst also doing one's best to keep themselves away from other champions, more specifically melee based champions who can easily kill you if they close the range between you and them. The best way to kite is simple but hard to master; cast abilities and auto-attack while slightly repositioning yourself before the next auto-attack or ability. It might sound easy, but it's easier said then done and a crucial part in being a successful ADC on the rift.
So, what's an ADC's role in a team fight?
Using all the information stated above in a larger more deadly scenario where now an entire team is trying to get to and kill you while protecting their own ADC. Because of this, you have to make sure your kiting, have to make sure your casting abilities and auto-attacking for maximize damage output. If you're not kiting you'll be caught and killed, if you're not maximizing damage you'll find your entire team killed by the other ADC and yourself alone. If you haven't been farming good before the team-fights you probably don't have the items you need to deal damage and are already at a disadvantage, especially if the other ADC has been keeping up with their farm.
One last thing an ADC has to do in team-fights is position themselves correctly. An ADC has to make sure they're placed in a safe position where they can't be caught out or attacked while also in an area where they can still do deal out damage to the enemy team. Doing this can be especially tricky, due to all the different abilities and gap-closers that vary between champions. If you're going to be good at this to stand out more as a better ADC, you're going to have to learn almost all the other champions and know what they're capable of.
So to recap on what I said, an ADC is a high damage low health champion who relies on their range-capabilities to stay alive while taking out the enemy team. Moving on, let's check out two of my currently favorite ADCs to play, Jhin and Twitch!
Twitch in-game is classified as a ranged marksman assassin. He's also considered a hard-carry type champion which means his scaling later on in the game is very strong. Using his invisibility to ambush to better position then ambush his enemies, his attack speed combined with his high attack damage to shred his enemies in seconds and his long-range ultimate to cut down his foes whilst staying away, Twitch is definitely a monster to be dealt with for enemy facing him on later in the game.
Deadly Venom
Twitch's passive ability is 'Deadly Venom.' With this ability, each of Twitch's auto-attacks apply a Deadly Venom stack which over a short duration deals a certain amount of true damage. Deadly Venom can stack up to 6 times, scaling the duration and damage with each additional stack placed on the target.
This ability early on in the game is great for harassing and can secure kills that would've normally escaped otherwise. It's also a bit of extra damage that can be the deciding factor in a close a fight! Make sure you spread this venom onto as many enemies as possible!
Twitch's first ability, his Q, is 'ambush.' With this ability Twitch after a short build up goes invisible for a few seconds gaining movement speed while hidden. Whenever Twitch casts an ability or auto-attacks he comes out of invisibility losing his movement speed bonus and swapping it out for temporary extra attack speed. Twitch can also be spotted if he goes to close towards an enemy champions.
This ability is what makes Twitch such a strong carry. The extra movement speed is great for either catching up to enemies or re-positioning one's self before a fight for maximum damage. The extra attack speed is also amazing for helping apply deadly venom stacks and dishing out damage as quick as possible.
Venom Cask
Twitch's second ability, is his W, 'Venom Cask.' With this ability Twitch tosses a venomous bottle of poison into an area of effect near him slowing anyone caught within it's radius for a few seconds and applying a deadly venom stack each second to anyone walking over the area while infected.
This ability is great for applying slows to targets which can help secure them in place for killing, stopping them from getting away or preventing it in the first place. It also applies deadly venom stack into an area of effect which helps spread the passive to multiple foes in a shorter period of time.
Twitch's third ability, is his E, 'Contaminate.' With this ability Twitch deals damage to each enemy around him based off the amount of deadly venom stacks applied on them.
This ability is a great executioner for finishing low-health enemies out of Twitch's auto-attack range who just recently got out of a fight with him. The more stacks the more damage and if you have the maximum amount of stacks on an enemy, some serious damage can be dealt.
Twitch's last ability, is his R, 'Ratatata.' With this ability Twitch's auto-attack range is greatly enhanced and a serious attack damage buff added to his auto attacks. His attacks also pierce through multiple enemies attacking multiple targets at once.
This ability paired with the attack-speed bonus from his 'Ambush' is a serious damage dealer. It's what makes Twitch such a great carry and if used while in the right spot can do some serious damage to enemy targets. Just like Big Shaq's song, Twitch when using his ultimate goes skrat, skitty kat kat, boom, serious damage, no math required.
Twitch isn't my preferred ADC but I have to acknowledge that he is one of the best ones out there right now. He's almost always been pretty strong and because of that is a seriously good pick for anyone playing the ADC role. A good Twitch can tear up any team fight and later in the game carry their team to victory by themselves and with ease.
Jhin in-game is considered a ranged marksman with a strange twist that technically makes him an executioner as well. Working best from a distance, Jhin's role on the rift is simple, do both damage and execute his enemies from a distance away.
Death in 4 Acts
Let's start with Jhin's passive ability, 'Death in 4 acts,' is what makes Jhin, well, Jhin. Unlike other ADCs Jhin's attack speed always stays the same no matter what items he has and after 4 shots, Jhin is forced to reload. Jhin's crits also do 10% less damage but give Jhin a quick speed boost every time one goes off. Jhin's fourth shot also does increasingly more damage depending on how much health the target is missing and is also a 100% guaranteed crit. This makes Jhin great for executing low-health enemies and is also good for kiting away from enemies trying to get close to you.
Dancing Grenade
Jhin's next ability, his Q is 'Dancing Grenade,' an lock on ability that when activated can bounce up to four different targets dealing damage to each one it bounces on. Every enemy the grenade kills also increases the damage it'll do to the next target stacking up to three times to do some serious damage on the fourth bounce. I find that this ability is great for clearing waves and harassing enemy champions on lane.
Deadly Flourish
Jhin's second ability, his W is 'Deadly Flourish,' a narrow but long range damaging shot that can root enemies in place if they've taken damage previously from any ally champion. This ability is great for securing kills from far away or locking enemy champions in place who would normally escape otherwise. It's real hard to land but once you get the aiming down, it becomes a really useful and great ability.
Captive Audience
Jhin's third ability, his E is 'Captive Audience,' a landmine trap that when walked over by an enemy activates to give vision, slow anyone in it's radius down for a few seconds and finally blow up dealing some good damage to anyone in it's area of effect. Jhin can place down as many traps as he wants but can only carry up to two at a time. The traps also have a timer before disappearing if not activated. I find this ability great for setting up ambushes or even acting as a not-as-effective ward.
Curtain Call
Jhin's fourth and final ability, his R, 'Curtain Call,' is possibly the best one yet and it's also really fun to use. With this ability, Jhin for 10 seconds turns his regular pistol into a rifle before positioning himself in place and opening up a large field of view in front of him in which Jhin can fire up to 4 shots dealing some good damage. Each shot also does increasingly more damage depending on the % of the enemies' missing health and also slows anyone hit by one. The final shot also crits and does increased damage. This ability is great for team-fights and locking down running away kills. I mean, who doesn't like being a sniper?
So keeping this all in mind, how does one play Jhin? Easily, as a ranged marksman who keeps his distance and picks enemies off from afar. Compared to most other ADCs, especially in this meta, Jhin is definitely at the top. I 100% suggest that anyone looking to play the ADC role picks up Jhin.
Like I always do I want to go ahead and thank everyone for reading. I'd also like to go back and once again thank everyone for helping me reach my follower-count goal. And finally, I know thanking people is getting repetitive but, I want to go ahead and thank the Steemit community for being such a great place and home for me to come hangout on after a hard day at school, thank y'all so much. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the post feel free to leave them below and I'll answer them as soon again. Last time, thanks so much and I hope you guys enjoyed the read.
Jhin has a pretty big learning curve but I agree that it is one of the best adc that you can play right now. But right now I think that adc's are at a disadvantage and can easily be killed by junglers and this needs to be fixed in the next patch atleast that is what I feel about this.
Well, ADCs are supposed to be easily killed in a gank. That's why the support's role is pivotal. Plus, some of the extra squishiness is due to the health drain removal on Ardent Censer (but it was an overloaded item anyways).
@ggteixeira Really great post.