Guild Wars 2 races

in #gaming6 years ago

There is a tremendous amount of customization that can be done with your character in Guild Wars 2 and it begins with the startup of the game where you create your very first character. You have 5 races to choose from.


The race that you choose, although the game gives you the impression otherwise as you carefully contemplate the answers to the seemingly trick questions they ask you, actually has no effect on your characters' abilities in the game. None, zero, nada. I think it would be nice if it did make some sort of difference but if they did build that in, it would quickly get figured out by some seriously dedicated players out there and well, then there would be no point, right?

Each race does include a personal story, which varies a little bit even more depending on which class / profession one chooses. Your starting location on the world map is also determined by which race you choose and well, some areas are better than others (in my mind.)


These guys are officially classified (By ArenaNet) as "mysterious curious plant beings." Their part of the world is lush and well, filled with plants which makes sense since they are plant people. This is my favorite race to play for the most part because their starting areas are so lovely.



An obvious favorite for most character choices, the Humans posses the traits that you would assume and are described (again, but A-net,) as a "resilient and diverse people."



While i was excited about being a tiger-hybrid, i found their movement patters and voice choices to be annoying. Also, their home areas are on fire or pretty desolate, so that didn't appeal to me. They are official described as "A regimented Military Society."



My second least favorite race to choose and also the first one I ever did. These are essentially slightly larger human-types, that live somewhere that is 90% cold. I don't particularly like the race because the animation on their run looks like they recently crapped their pants despite the fact that they are just as fast as anyone else.



I have a love / hate relationship with this race. I like that they are so small and have some of the best animation and voice acting in the game, but their homeworld is likely the most annoying. It is meant to be more futuristic than the other home areas, but mostly it is just confusing. They are officially described as "Diminutive Mystical Scientists." On a side note their small stature makes certain areas that are in tight quarters easier to navigate purely because of the camera angles.


As i mentioned before it makes no difference in your speed or any other attributes based on which race you choose. They are all systematically identical as far as abilities are concerned and I can COMPLETELY agree with why the top-brass at GW2 chose this. If there were lots of options the "best" or "meta" build would quickly be discovered and now everyone would be ONLY that one race. Since it makes absolutely no difference at all other than how you want to look people just seem to choose whatever look they like best - which is fine.

That being said the character customization is pretty insane. I know people that have spent hours getting that perfect look on their toon only to not like the class after a few days and toss it out.


Some people in the game put so much time into their appearance that to many, the name of this MMO has been changed to "Fashion Wars 2." I must admit I have tried to make my toons look good, but I have never spent any real world money on it (which is possible and a massive part of how it is that A-Net makes money.) I have a difficult time understanding these people who spend money on a new helmet skin that doesn't change the attributes of the helmet at all, but I suppose if it makes them happy - go for it.

So there you have it folks. Those are the races available in Guild Wars 2 which you will be asked to choose between should you ever decide to play this FREE game. I hope to see you in there. If any of you do end up in the game, please do let me know


I’ve played the most human and sylvari with a tiny bit of asura and norn. So far, I’ve found the human story the most engaging. I literally stopped playing my sylvari because I just stopped caring about what was going on. I haven’t given norn or asura a chance because I hated grinding through levels 1-20.

Yeah the Sylvari story is a bit out there. I agree with you about that. Their home ground is also too convoluted as far as getting around is concerned. I've been playing the game for so long that I have enough tomes of experience that i could start another 4-5 characters and never have to play a level I don't like. Straight to level 80 if i want.

That's cool

Nicely described, now i believe if i happen to be a player like you my favorite race would have been the Asura simply because i love technology and even from the pic they look more like a civilized society than the others. It quite unfortunate their traits are almost the same though i would hv loved to see serious differences perhaps the tiger hybrids would be faster than all the others and other stuff like that

I've played Guild Wars 2 for quite a while now. Still not that great on it but it's fun. Great immersive play. My main character is an Asura.

Whoa the races in guild wars part 2 are just phenomenal. I just cant stop loving them. I would to choose plant people and Asura. One for its features and the other for the home starting place. However humans can also be my desired choice. Lpve the game but never heard of these races in part 1. Creating own characters is a hella brillaint thing. Thanks for sharing.

Hiii... gooddream

Great post.

O woww awesome game :)

Looks good, how to get it

search for "Guild Wars 2" using your favorite search engine.

Great thrill with full entertainment

Hello I am patiyal....
It is nice.....

this is a good game

I liked the name 'Asura'. Do you know this word has derived from Sanskrit. and it means devil. moreover I would try to complete this game and will let you know soon.

I didn't give it a try yet, but hope I will give it a try.