Do you remember times, when Real-Time-Strategies were one of the most played games? Unfortunately these days are long gone. So i wanted to remind you, my three favorite games of this genre.
Age of Mythology
At first glance, Ensemble Studios may seem to have created the third part of the famous saga called Age of Empires, but the fact is a bit different.There is no point in saying that this is a totally different game that has nothing to do with the original AoE series, because the one who plays AoM will find that there are a number of common or many similar elements.On the other hand Age of Mythology has its own storyline set in the time of ancient Greek. In addition, the game is closely related to the use of magic and spells, which radically changes the style of the entire edges

Warcraft 3
One of the best story-telling RTS of all time, with well written dialogues and characters. Gameplay is fun, and the skillcap of this game is well done for both beginners and pro ones. But most importantly, I think, that without this game there would be no World of Warcraft and of course no DOTA. And if you own DLC called The Frozen Throne, entertainment is taken care of for dozens of hours
Age of Empire 2
Age of Empires II was an excellent game at the time of its creation and remains a great game even after 18 years. It requires complex thought about economics and strategy rather than simple action and reaction, and it makes an effort to educate about the civilizations and time periods it covers more that any other RTS.

In the end i would like to mention, StarCraft and Battle for Middle Earth, because i played them a lot.
Thank you for reading! :)
Great post, I love AOE 2, cannot stop playing that game to this day
You should do some on the Command and Conquer series as well!
thanks! And in terms of Command and Conquet, I havent played it :( i think i should try it :D