Hello Fellow Steemian Gamers,
I'm back to posting atleast once a day and I'm determined to get this blog back to its full potential. Our numbers are ever growing and with the drop in crypto I'm hoping people don't run away from blogging here.
A little meme for you all, I'm hoping to have a video for you all in the near future I just need to sit down and do some editing.
Streaming is so much easier for me and a lot less time consuming, if you want to watch me play some games then follow the Twitch link below :) see you there...
I have followed you on Twitch even though I never actually use It. I only set It up to link It to a game on my PS4 so I could get some free stuff lol. I find I dont have much time for streaming after I record, edit and upload daily videos to Youtube. I have done the odd Livestream on Youtube since thats where my subs are, but only when I have had time to. Who knows, I may stream on Twitch In the future :)