Here's a heads up from Hank:
Running this utility to completion takes about 7 hours. Let it run before you go to bed, or before you head off to work. The program is breaking apart all the textures and then repackaging them into new .ba2's.
The wait is well worth it. In the end, you will have a Fallout 4 version with superior textures, glorious detail, and realistic intensity. Weapons, walls, streets, signs, stars, chems, terminals, locks, lights (I could go on and on); but the most important part:
Fallout 4 now runs smoothly. Beautiful and smooth. I'd like to say beautiful and smooth like my ass, but we all know that isn't true. Could have been fairy, but I ended up hairy. Whatever. I digress...
- Hank
Sounds interesting. Do you have a link to the project page?
Sure thing:

Fallout 4 Mod List and Load Order Guide (BiRaitBec Modlist)
Preview of BiRateBec's original textures and tools.
The utility you are seeing in action in my main post is found within the Manual Workbase download. BiRaitBec provides step by step instructions.
Application processing time for this utility went from 7.5 hours on HDD to approx. 3 hours on SSD.