Fallout 4 Modding: Step Two (even more) Resources

in #gaming7 years ago

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Fallout 4 Configuration Tool - By Bilago

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At this point; I Hank McGurk, cannot personally vouch for the safety or efficacy of Razer Cortex: Boost. I've run the standard security scans for Malware and Spyware, and as usual, I'm monitoring permissions and processesses. So far, I haven't noted anything suspicious.

I have added RAZER CORTEX: BOOST to see if it functions as advertised. Usually I wouldn't bother with such a thing, but I take it on good authority from BiRaitBec over at Nexus Mods, and so far he hasn't let me down.

To simply say, "he hasn't let me down", is a bit contrived. In point of fact, I greatly appreciate BiRaitBec's guide. His utilities are flawless and his layman's modding instructional reads cookbook easy. BiRaitBec provides links to all the mods you will need to download with NMM along with all necessary utilities.

If you read my first post, "Fallout 4 Modding: Step One Resources". You'd already know that you should be using BiRaitBec's guide. I did, after all, post the link.
For the lazier among you, I link again:

Fallout 4 Mod List and Load Order Guide (BiRaitBec Modlist)

BiRaitBec, the world owes you a debt of gratitude, and though I cannot speak for the masses like some Jesuit Pope; I thank you from my (very) small corner of this world.
