All 3 axes have been found, so the teams should be able to handle any Hulks that manage to get into their midst.
Objective: Find a cooking pot (X on the map) and bring it to the kitchen. Find rice and water and bring those to the kitchen so that a meal can be prepared and eaten by all team members. In other words, all members of the team must reach the kitchen AFTER the meal has been made. To be clear: The pot, rice and water are picked up as items (cost is 1 action). These items are then deposited in the kitchen as actions (like a trade). Once ALL items required (rice, water and pot) are present in the kitchen, one player will use an action to MAKE the meal. At that point, all players need to visit the kitchen and use a final action to eat the meal. We could end the game when everyone ate or wait until everyone gets off the board. If any player dies, the game is lost and the zombies win!
Players turn from day before:
Please see the spreadsheet (linked below).
Players can see a spreadsheet with their inventory and health here:
ctrl + L-click OR R-click and choose to open in a new tab (these are the ONLY solutions I found for opening a new tab/window).
This game is already in progress. You are welcome to sign up for the next one when it is announced (after this game ends).
The Rules of this game can be found here:
ctrl + L-click OR R-click and choose to open in a new tab (these are the ONLY solutions I found for opening a new tab/window).
The only legal way to get these exclusive buttons is to play the game and win.

Zombie Turn after the players made the above moves:
All zombies pre-existing on the board move:
Zombies spawn at spawn sites:
bottom left rolls a 6 = Hulk.
top left rolls a 1 = nothing.
top right rolls a 2 = nothing.
Original zombie image used in the button obtained from (CC0)
In case you missed it, you can buy chain-link jewellery here using Steem!
Check the #happystore for weekly deals!
S, E ,E
Player 12 (10th)
Move South .
Move East.
Move East.
Move to regroup with team outside the kitchen all 3 moves if needed
Player 11 (1st)
Move South
Move South
Move West
Move N,W cover the team
Player 7 (2nd)
Move South
Move West
Attack the door with the axe. Roll 5 = success. The door to the building with the pot is now OPEN.
Inside we find (starting at the open door; Rolls 3,5,5,4,6) A Walker, Runner, Runner, Walker and Hulk.
well... that's some split personality actions right there.
How did "cover the team" become "open the door with an axe " ? XP
LOL... just like walking through walls! I'm making assumptions about the intent.
Move W,N,E
Player 6 (9th)
Move West.
Move North.
Use the x-bow to shoot at the Runner. Roll 4 = success! The closest Runner has been killed.
Player 3 (3rd)
Move South
Move West
Use the pistol to shoot the Walker inside the building. Roll 4 = success! You killed the Walker.
move north and try to kill walker.
Player 8 (4th)
Move North
Shoot at the Walker to the North using the pistol. Roll 5 = success! You killed the Walker to the North.
Skip last action.
Well, then, it's zombie slaying time!
I fire, fire, fire!!
First at the zombie to the north, 2 squares away since the one nearest to me can also be hit by my teammates.
If I manage to kill the zombie to the north, I fire at the one inside to my West immediately after.
Player 1 (6th)
BOTH northern zombies have been killed, so just the one inside is left to kill.
Action 1: Use the rifle to shoot the Walker inside the building. Roll 6 BOOM!! It is gone!!
Actions 2& 3?
the hulk is still untouched right?
In that case, I move south and molotov the Hulk!
Might as well use it if I have it.. need my killcount to go up to protect my title!
LOL... Done!
Now player 9 has nothing to do again!
Pandora, I'm definitely out to threaten your title.
...and with only water and a CZ-550! NO melee weapon! YIKES!!!
I heard a rumour there is nunchucks in the dumpster.
Player 9 (8th)
Action 1: Move East.
Action 2: Move North into the building.
Action 3: Shoot at the closest Runner. Roll 1 = fail.
Oh *#!. Need some backup here !
if player 8 kill walker. then move north and search the yellow car.
Player 5 (5th)
Moving and searching with another zombie that close would be very dangerous! If you found a zombie, you would have to kill 2 zombies at once and there is nobody else there to help you. Better if you use your good rifle to SHOOT at the Walker first and IF you kill it, then search.
Action 1: Use the CZ-550 to shoot the Walker 2 spaces North. Roll 6 = success. You shot and killed the Walker.
Action 2: Move North.
Action 3: Search the car. Roll 4 = success. You found water.
Player 2:
Fire at the walker to the North of me.
Player 2 (7th)
Shoot using CZ-550 at Walker 2 spaces North. Roll 6 BOOM and that one bites the dust!
I'm going to recklessly walk two squares North so I can get to the dumpster in my next turn and cover the entire North lane and hopefully not die.
Brave ninja!