Since we have a huge team, I will NOT be moving for those who don't reply in time. So far we have one person who is interested in taking over the character of any players who consistently miss moves.
Objective: Find a cooking pot (X on the map) and bring it to the kitchen. Find rice and water and bring those to the kitchen so that a meal can be prepared and eaten by all team members. In other words, all members of the team must reach the kitchen AFTER the meal has been made. To be clear: The pot, rice and water are picked up as items (cost is 1 action). These items are then deposited in the kitchen as actions (like a trade). Once ALL items required (rice, water and pot) are present in the kitchen, one player will use an action to MAKE the meal. At that point, all players need to visit the kitchen and use a final action to eat the meal. We could end the game when everyone ate or wait until everyone gets off the board. If any player dies, the game is lost and the zombies win!
Players might be interested in entering this contest:
Players turn from day before:
Please see the spreadsheet (linked below).
Players can see a spreadsheet with their inventory and health here:
ctrl + L-click OR R-click and choose to open in a new tab (these are the ONLY solutions I found for opening a new tab/window).
This game is already in progress. You are welcome to sign up for the next one when it is announced (after this game ends).
The Rules of this game can be found here:
ctrl + L-click OR R-click and choose to open in a new tab (these are the ONLY solutions I found for opening a new tab/window).
The only legal way to get these exclusive buttons is to play the game and win.

Zombie Turn after the players made the above moves:
All zombies pre-existing on the board move: The found and injured Runner strikes out at player (roll 2 for player 2). Roll 4 = success. Player 2 recieves one damage point!
Zombies spawn at spawn sites:
bottom left rolls a 6 = Hulk.
top left rolls a 3 = Walker.
top right rolls a 2 = nothing.
Original zombie image used in the button obtained from (CC0)
In case you missed it, you can buy chain-link jewellery here using Steem!
Check the #happystore for weekly deals!
Brawl with the Runner at the bus.
If I fail, keep fighting. If I succeed search the bus.
@steempunksnet roll
There is no "S" in @steempunknet roll
Duh... this has had me so confused... I think originally there was, then there wasn't, now I have no idea...but thanks... we'll see which one gets replied to... if any.
As far as I know its always been the same. The one with S is for stats I think. It has me baffled too. I asked them to put links from one to the other on all their pages to make navigation easier, but it seems they don't think it is worthy of having a permanent navigation menu on their posts.
Shame... I wonder if @pbock could whip up our own bot for us?
Oh! That would be fantastic if he could or teach me how to do it myself.
Still slow response, so may as well do it manually:
Player 2
Phew! Thank you!
Is there a way to heal injuries?
NOPE. 3 hits and you be dead!
Well then, looks like everyone will need to protect me and my water.
Yup, and it seems we have a good number who don't speak English very well. It will be a fun challenge.
If I can find a sword or some nunchucks I'll be a very happy ninja.
Okay search the car! I need a weapon!
Player 4
May as well skip again.
I am unsure with this many players if anybody is searching the yellow car yet.. but I will wait until others have searched first in case they dig up a zombie. If a zombie pops up, I will attack it with my axe.
My remaining actions are spent searching for a gun!
I searched the car, found a runner and killed it by myself. I could really use a melee weapon right now ! :D
Keep the axe clean for a little more. :D
I'll reserve your move for later then. Back-up killa'!
I am taking the X and bringing it to the kitchen.
That's great, but you need to have an axe to open the door first! So search to find an axe and also a ranged weapon to protect yourself with before you go running around and get yourself killed.
Okay I am taking all of that.
Player 7
Search the car, take any usable items and attack any zombies found.
Player 12
Well that was an emotional rollercoaster.
I don't know what to say. My bad luck for finding the Runner or my Good luck for handling that Runner by myself ? -_-
Perspective is in the eye of the beholder and you get to choose HOW you wish to see things. It affects your life, so choose wisely!
I notice the negative things more than the positive things.
That is common. BUT it also leads to stress and stress-related diseases, so it is much healthier for you to focus on the positive things. Look at to learn more about positive thinking.
Copy and paste the full link including the bracketed text (the link was broken by the brackets when I pasted it in here.)
Definitely good luck for being a total badass!
Lol. I was just lucky ! :D
Move W,N and search for axe and break the door
and take object to kitchen.
You are already at the car, so no need to move anywhere to do a search.
Player 6
Best to skip the next 2 actions and stay with the group for safety until everyone finds good equipment.
search the car and try to kill hulk
Player 8
Best to skip the next 2 actions and stay with the group for safety until everyone finds good equipment.
Search the bus, take any usable items and attack any zombies found.
Player 11
Great job dude!!! Awesome!!
N, W then I'll take goods. Then I'll move to S and will go to the kitchen. ✌
Player 3
IS that another hulk ?
What, is Hulk Mama off in that direction ?
if there is another hulk in the lower left corner:
2/3. If nothing to shoot at in any directions (or bat, if someone's managed to spawn one in the same tile as us.... I seem to remember it being bad to shoot a gun on a cell with people in it), skip rest of actions.
Player 9
Hahahaha, I love this game so much!!
It's great to have you putting so much energy into the game. That makes it more exciting for everyone!
ahhh... the smell of dead undead corpses it so much better than living undead corpses !
I believe the term used is re-animated dead corpses. The UN-dead. After meeting up with you, they drop the "UN" part! LOL
we'll let everyone get what they want. I'll take care of incoming till we go to the kitchen folks.
sorry for late reply because my bandthwith problem.
search the car and try to kill hulk
Player 5
Anybody at the yellow car who wants a free rifle, raise your hands, place this apple on your heads, let me aim Boom Billy at it, then pray.
... or just trade nothing for rifle next round, if you so desire ;)
Oooh, if nobody else took it yet, can I take it?
I think I may take the rifle from @pbock if nobody else did! Then I don't have to search (and instead in that case I would fire at any remaining zombies with my new rifle/attack them with axe... or if none survived I chop down the door with the axe.. let's get this party moving!!)
Players 5 and 10 have not yet responded for today (player 10 has been absent a while) so I don't know if you just want to take your turn now or wait until I do the update in the morning? There is nothing to kill in your vicinity yet, but a runner is coming down real soon. Not sure if your team is adequately equipped yet for opening the door. But it is you folks that need to decide, so let me know.
Instead of attacking a zombie or door, I will move into the crossroads one square to the West so I position myself in between the group and zombies. With my (I think?) remaining action I fire at the nearest zombie
Player 5 just found a Runner, so I'll take the direction from earlier to clean up as the last to move.
Player 1
Zombie slayer is back!
I've got my axe and boomstick!!
yup, you got yourself a rifle !
and an apple. you know what to do with that, don't you ? XP