Unfortunately, I'll be out all afternoon, so unable to update as quickly as normal.
This round will be a repeat of the last game except that a few rules have been changed to make searching and killing easier. A new weapon has also been introduced.
Don't forget to check the spreadsheet for your starting weapon which was randomly drawn from a select deck of cards. Good luck!
It has been requested that I make the game harder, so for this game, instead of 1 zombie spawning at each spawn zone, 2 will spawn instead.
Objective: Recover the hidden treasure from the doorless room.
Players can see a spreadsheet with their inventory and health here:
ctrl + L-click OR R-click and choose to open in a new tab (these are the ONLY solutions I found for opening a new tab/window).
This game is just starting, so if you wish to join, simply choose an un-used player number from the spreadsheet and go for it!
The Rules of this game can be found here:
ctrl + L-click OR R-click and choose to open in a new tab (these are the ONLY solutions I found for opening a new tab/window).
Everyone who plays gets daily up-votes.
Winners can also 3D-print their own "survival" token using this link.
Winners may claim their buttons by copying and pasting the following code and proudly display them on their pages:
Zombie Turn after the players made their moves:
All zombies pre-existing on the board move. None yet.
Zombies spawn at spawn sites:
West rolls a -
North rolls a -
East rolls a -
Oh my, I start with a rifle! Awesome!
I guess I will still search.. if I find another gun I will give it to someone else
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 6.
Yay, found something! Hoping for an axe or bat!
option 1: If it's a melee weapon, I take it and move north and then west
option 2: if it's a gun, I will keep the best one and give the other to someone who needs it, before moving north
Player 1 (1st)
Sorry, you found flour.
I take it anyway!!!
It's a zombie apocalypse, hoarding food is what it's all about! I only need some sugar and eggs and we can make some kind of cake
did you still wish to move? I wasn't sure since neither of your choices came to pass.
Yes, I will move north 1 square and then west if I have the actions left for it (not sure if picking up the flour costs extra)
oops I wrote west but I meant east...!!
Player 2 (1st to move) :
Got my trusty bat, what more could I need...
Search !
I need a guuuuuun
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 3.
I hope it's a gun...
If it's a gun, I'm a happy camper !
If it's a melee weapon, I give it to one of the gun-only wielders.
if it's food, I KEEP IT... I know you want us to throw it away if it's not useful, but I like my character to have some food !!
In any case, I move North and then West afterwards.
Yup! You found food alright; it is rice!
now I just need water and we won't starve !
Or milk... so I can make dessert !
Milk and rice... actually sounds pretty good!
Too bad that combining dough and rice gets us nowhere :(
Also, since you have an axe and I have a rifle, care to team up? I am heading to the other car to set up camp there and shoot at incoming zombies. Could use an axe in that square, since the zombies spawn terribly close!
BatMan is there already...
Player 4 - 4th
Search for a weapon! @rollthedice
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 6.
Sweet. Whatever I got, I'll move North and East for my next two turns. Gotta get into position for the onslaught X3
I also suggest that folks with axes (@pbock maybe since you're in the right spot for the next turn) consider breaking down a door early in case we get backed up again and need a defensible position!
I agree. Let’s get some doors down.
Breaking down doors means zombies spawn though!
They only spawn once and can be cleared out. If we get overrun with zombies from all sides out in the street, we can position players at the door and have just the empty rooms to our backs.
Search the red bus....
Looking for a melee weapon @rollthedice
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 5.
Sweet if it’s a melee move
If not search again
Oh I can only search once so just move north west
Of course the guy with the pistol finds a pistol! Good for trading though!
Of course the guy with
The pistol finds a pistol!
Good for trading though!
- happyme
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
I give my old pistol to pbock and keep the shiny new one
Trading/giving items costs an action, and you used 3 actions already, so any trades must wait or be used by the other person. Plus, you need to be in the same space as the person you are trading with.
I knew that. .....
Player 5
What? Zombies?! I’m not taking any chances on those suckers coming up behind us. I’m using my torch to check inside this bus. I’m searching under all the seats. “Don’t leave me guys”...
You blow on two 6-sided dice, and throw:
First die lands...
You rolled a 4.
Second die lands...
You rolled a 6.
Awesome! Without even looking I grab my goods and take off to catch up to the group. I move one north. I look to my left wondering if I should follow the guy with the axe or chase down crazy Batman... I head east while unwrapping the rags around the items in my hands... please let them be a useful weapon (or a little sugar to add to the rice and milk).
The dicebot is a lot more friendly this time around! :)
You found 2 axes! May as well pass one off when you get a chance!
Two axes! I only need one of these. I hold it out for whomever needs it while eyeing that door to the south. If we don’t see any zombies close by (spawning from the east) let’s check out inside this room.
If you don't mind, P7 will join the battle. And as far as I can' t fight without any weapon, I'm going to search the bus
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 1.
What type of zombie it is? @rollthedice
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 1.
Dead zombie?
Action 1: search and fail.
actions 2 & 3: ???
Player 8 reporting for duty ;)
Sorry I am late... I like to search because i dont have any thing :(
@rollthedice @rolltwodice ... i will stay at my place for now
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 1.
You blow on two 6-sided dice, and throw:
First die lands...
You rolled a 5.
Second die lands...
You rolled a 6.
Player 8 (8th to act)
Action 1: Search; rolled 1 = fail. Rolled 5 to find a runner.
Action 2: Attack the runner with the axe. Rolled 6 to kill it!
Action 3: skip
Player 11 (9th)
Time to update so I'll make the move for P11.
1.) Search the bus. @rollthedice
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 6.
Found the CZ 550.
Skip actions 2 & 3.